(ENG) D&D 4a Ed. - Into The Unknown - The Dungeon Survival Handbook - Flip eBook Pages 1-50 (2024)

ROLEPLAYING GAME SUPPLEMENT Logan Bonner ✦ Matt Sernett ✦ Jeff Morgenroth The Dungeon Survival Handbook™ INTO THE UNKNOWN

Logan Bonner ) Jeff Morgenroth ) Matt Sernett ROLEPLAYING GAME SUPPLEMENT INTO THE UNKNOWN: The Dungeon Survival Handbook™

Design Logan Bonner (lead), Matt James, Jeff Morgenroth, Robert J. Schwalb, Matt Sernett Development Jeremy Crawford, Tanis O’Connor, Tom LaPille, Chris Sims, Rodney Thompson, Jennifer Clarke Wilkes Editing Jennifer Clarke Wilkes (lead), Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Ray Vallese, Miranda Horner Managing Editor Kim Mohan Producer Greg Bilsland D&D R&D Senior Producer Christopher Perkins D&D R&D Group Manager Mike Mearls D&D Senior Creative Director Jon Schindehette D&D Brand Team Liz Schuh, Laura Tommervik, Shelly Mazzanoble, Chris Lindsay, Hilary Ross Playtesters Jim Auwaerter, Jeff Barnes, Jordan Conrad, Tom Dale, Greg Hartman, Todd Keck, Mark Knobbe, Sarah LaValle, Steven Martin, Shawn Merwin, Galen Mullins, Patrick Neal, Ian Ramsey, C.J. Thrasher, Renout van Rijn, Gareth Wallace, Nick Wolfanger Art Director Kate Irwin Cover Illustrations Wayne Reynolds (front) Ralph Horsley (back) Graphic Designers Soe Murayama, Emi Tanji Interior Illustrations Dave Allsop, Eric Belisle, Noah Bradley, Clyde Caldwell, Milivoj Ceran, Julie Dillon, Jesper Ejsing, Wayne England, ´ Ralph Horsley, Tyler Jacobson, William O’Connor, Adam Paquette, Wayne Reynolds, Craig J Spearing, Stephen Tappin, Eva Widermann, Ben Wootten, Kieran Yanner Cartographer Mike Schley Publishing Production Manager Angelika Lokotz Prepress Manager Jefferson Dunlap Imaging Technician Carmen Cheung Production Manager Cynda Callaway D&D 4th Edition Design Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins, James Wyatt Building on the design of previous editions by E. Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, David “Zeb” Cook, Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter Adkison CREDITS This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast LLC. Published by Wizards of the Coast LLC. Hasbro SA, represented by Hasbro Europe, Stockley Park, UB11 1AZ, UK. DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, FORGOTTEN REALMS, EBERRON, D&D Insider, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the USA and other countries. All characters in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. All Wizards of the Coast characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC. PRINTED IN THE USA. ©2012 Wizards of the Coast LLC. Visit our websites at www.wizards.com www.DungeonsandDragons.com 620-39865000-001-EN ISBN: 978-0-7869-6032-3 First Printing: May 2012 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For customer service, contact: U.S., CANADA, ASIA, PACIFIC, & LATIN AMERICA Wizards of the Coast LLC PO Box 707 Renton WA 98057-0707 +1-800-324-6496 www.wizards.com/customerservice U.K., EIRE, & SOUTH AFRICA Wizards of the Coast LLC c/o Hasbro UK Ltd. PO Box 43, Newport, NP19 4YD, UK Tel: +08457 12 55 99 Email: [emailprotected] EUROPE Wizards of the Coast p/a Hasbro Belgium NV/SA Industrialaan 1 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden, Belgium Tel: + Email: [emailprotected] 2

CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 DUNGEON DELVERS ................... 4 New Character Choices ................ 4 Character Themes .......................... 6 Bloodsworn ................................. 8 Sample Bloodsworn: Meliera ....... 10 Deep Delver .............................. 11 Sample Deep Delver: Karl Deepwalker ..................... 14 Escaped Thrall ............................ 15 Sample Escaped Thrall: Mord ....... 17 Trapsmith .................................. 18 Sample Trapsmith: Thorry the Unlucky ................. 21 Treasure Hunter .......................... 22 Sample Treasure Hunter: Ella ....... 24 Underdark Envoy ........................ 25 Sample Underdark Envoy: Khiira .. 28 Underdark Outcast ...................... 29 Sample Underdark Outcast: Korag the Clanless .................. 31 Races .......................................... 34 Goblin ...................................... 34 Kobold ...................................... 40 New Item: Hurler-Snatcher . . . . . . 44 Svirfneblin ................................. 46 Dungeon-Themed Powers ............ 52 Fear of the Dark .......................... 53 Improvising a Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Secrets of the Deep Guides ........... 55 Shadow of the Ziggurat ................. 58 Seekers of Lost Lore ..................... 62 Thieves’ Guild of Maelbrathyr ........ 64 From the Vault of the Drow ........... 67 Battle Tactics of Cor Talcor ............ 69 CHAPTER 2 STRIVE TO SURVIVE .................. 72 Top Five Rules of Dungeon Delving .................... 72 Further Studies ......................... 72 Expert Delving Tactics .................. 74 Climbing ................................... 74 Darkness ................................... 74 Secret Doors .............................. 75 Stealth ...................................... 75 Clear the Rooms ......................... 75 Rest Stops ................................. 76 Sustenance ................................ 76 Water Dangers ........................... 76 Traps ........................................ 77 Hazards ..................................... 78 Rituals ...................................... 78 Dungeon Types ............................ 80 Cave ......................................... 80 Crypt ........................................ 80 Death Trap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Floating Castle ............................ 82 For the DM: The Cloud Castle Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Ice Palace .................................. 84 Magic Laboratory ........................ 85 Maze ........................................ 86 Mine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Prison ....................................... 87 For the DM: Jailbreak! . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Sewer ....................................... 88 Volcano ..................................... 89 For the DM: Volcanic Terrain . . . . . 90 Warren ..................................... 90 Dungeon Denizens ...................... 91 Aboleths ................................... 91 Ankhegs .................................... 92 Beholders .................................. 92 Carrion Crawlers ......................... 92 Cave Fishers ............................... 93 Grimlocks .................................. 93 Hook Horrors ............................. 93 Mimics ...................................... 93 Mind Flayers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Myconids ................................... 94 Oozes and Slimes ........................ 94 Otyughs .................................... 94 Purple Worms ............................ 95 Ropers ...................................... 95 Rust Monsters ............................ 95 Stirges ...................................... 96 Troglodytes ................................ 96 Umber Hulks .............................. 96 Infamous Dungeons ..................... 97 Castle Ravenloft .......................... 97 Ghost Tower of Inverness ............ 100 The Lost City ............................ 102 Pyramid of Amun-Re .................. 104 White Plume Mountain .............. 106 Tomb of Horrors ........................ 108 Temple of Elemental Evil ............. 110 Gates of Firestorm Peak .............. 112 Dungeoneers’ Tools ................... 114 Adventuring Gear ...................... 114 Using Equipment Effectively . . . . . 115 Alchemical Items ...................... 116 CHAPTER 3 MASTER OF THE DUNGEON .. 118 Advice and Tools ..................... 118 Involving the Characters ............ 120 Themes and Adventure Hooks ..... 120 Exploration and Choices ............. 124 Mysteries and Puzzles ................ 125 Creating an Underdark Adventure ................ 127 Descending into Darkness ........... 127 Infinite Scope ........................... 127 An Underdark Overview ........... 128 The Setting’s Role. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 Crafting the Feel ....................... 129 Sights and Sounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Developing a Plot ...................... 130 Underdark Combat Encounters .... 131 The Battlefield ........................ 131 Light Sources .......................... 132 Skill Challenge: An Underdark Trek .................. 132 Individual Checks: Making Progress ................... 132 Group Checks: Overcoming Hazards ............. 133 Dungeon Makers ....................... 134 Cultists ................................... 134 Drow ...................................... 134 Duergar .................................. 135 Dwarves .................................. 137 Humans .................................. 138 Kobolds ................................... 139 Kuo-Toas ................................. 140 Mind Flayers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 Minotaurs ................................ 143 Wizards .................................. 143 Yuan-Ti ................................... 144 Special Rewards ........................ 145 Scrolls of Power ........................ 145 For the DM: Be Careful What They Wish For . . . . . . . . . . 147 Dungeon Companions ................ 148 Akaana Vir’tlar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Meepo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Thresher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Ultok . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 APPENDIX 1: BUILD YOUR OWN DUNGEON ........... 151 Linear vs. Dynamic .................... 151 Rough it Out ............................ 152 Draw it Up ............................... 152 Dungeon Synergy ...................... 153 Unique Challenges .................... 153 Words from the Master . . . . . . . . . 154 APPENDIX 2: RANDOM DUNGEONS ............. 155 Involving the Characters ............. 155 Who, What, Where? .................. 156 Why and How? ......................... 156 Populating a Dungeon ................ 157 Random Dungeon Example ......... 158 3

) 4 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers Dungeon Delvers CHAPTER 1 Black passageways stretch out in all directions. The still, stifling air swirls gently with each cautious step forward. The clank of armor and the crunch of footsteps on gravel are the only sounds in the deep chambers, but their soft echoes seem deafening. Around the next corner, faint lights are visible down the corridor. With no way to gauge distance in the darkness, they could be anything: far-off torches, nearby glowing fungi, or the eyes of a lurking beast reflecting the flame. After sharing a glance with the others, the party leader lifts the shutter of the bull’s-eye lantern to reveal what lies ahead. . . . Dungeons hold everything an adventurer could want: untold riches to plunder, new areas to explore, dangerous beasts to challenge, and strange societies to interact with. An ordinary adventurer accustomed to a soft life in the surface world might get a short distance into a dungeon and consider it a glorious victory. But hardscrabble Underdark natives and veteran delvers know just how difficult survival is down there in the darkness, and that the tunnels keep descending into realms of ever greater danger. A dungeon adventure is all about huge risks and even greater rewards. You (as well as your character) need careful preparation, problem-solving skills, nerves of steel, and a healthy dose of good luck to take on a dungeon crawl and succeed. Around every corner is some unexpected threat, deadly mystery, or never-before-seen Underdark horror. If you can’t step up to the challenge, you’ll never make it out. New Character Choices The character options presented in this chapter can help increase your adventurer’s chances of survival. Become familiar with the minds and methods of the most successful dungeon explorers, and maybe—just maybe—you’ll stand a chance. Even so, death can strike at any time, and a party might have to improvise or bring in new recruits from the Underdark just to see the light once more. EVA WIDERMANN Character Themes: To tie your character more closely to dungeons or the Underdark, you can choose a theme that fleshes out his or her backstory or represents a delving-related profession. Each theme’s entry includes unique features, as well as optional powers that supplement the choices available to you at various levels. It also includes some suggestions about how to introduce the theme into a game and a sample character. As well, you’ll find some in-world advice and background information in the form of sidebars in each entry. Races: Three dungeon-dwelling races—the goblin, the kobold, and the svirfneblin—appear here, with complete descriptions, roleplaying hooks, and optional racial feats and powers. Their adaptation to a life underground and their specific survival skills make members of these races excellent candidates for the adventuring life, even though they might face suspicion or outright hostility from topsiders. Unlikely though it can seem, under the right circ*mstances even a kobold can become a hero. Dungeon-Themed Powers: The challenges of dungeon delving give rise to specialized techniques and dedicated explorers’ guilds. Sometimes, too, a character’s background or unique experience spontaneously gives rise to survival abilities that can’t be taught. This section describes some of these possibilities, ranging from a widespread organization of Underdark guides, to the hard-knocks training that comes from years spent below ground, to the mind-ripping insights that arise from exposure to unspeakable evil. Here you’ll find new attack powers for a variety of classes as well as skill powers available to any character who has training in the relevant skill.

6 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers masters, or merchants. Khiira the bard uses her wiles, honed as the seventh daughter of her house, to hide both from the other drow who hunt her and from the topsiders who fear and hate her kind. ✦ Underdark outcasts are disgraced exiles from their societies, forced to wander the lightless realms in a struggle to survive. Through his hubris, Korag made it possible for grimlocks to slaughter many of his dwarf clan, and he was cast out in shame. Choosing a Theme A character can have only one theme. You typically choose a theme at character creation, although the DM might allow you to choose a theme at a higher level, particularly if the campaign’s story justifies making the choice later. Character themes are optional; you don’t have to select one if you don’t want to. When you select a theme, it grants you the following benefits. Starting Features: Each theme includes one or more features that you gain when you select it. Additional Features: Most themes offer additional features at levels 5 and 10. You gain these features automatically when you reach the appropriate level; they don’t replace your normal class features. Optional Powers: Each theme includes a small number of attack powers, utility powers, or both that become available at level 2 or higher. These powers are in addition to the list of powers you can choose from when you gain levels. For example, if you’re a 6th-level fighter, you can choose a level 6 fighter utility power or a level 6 utility power from your theme. You can use retraining to replace a class power with an optional theme power or vice versa, exchanging one power for another power of the same type (at-will attack, encounter attack, daily attack, or utility). The new power must be of the same level as the old power or lower. You can also replace an optional theme power with a different optional power of the same theme, as long as the new power is of the same type and is of the same level or lower. Prerequisites: Just like classes and races, themes can be prerequisites for feats, paragon paths, and other features. Changing a Theme Although a theme can last throughout your character’s career, circ*mstances might arise in which it makes sense for your theme to change. For instance, a character might begin play as an Underdark envoy and eventually suffer a horrible betrayal at the hands of a villain in the subterranean depths. The character consequently leaves the envoy theme and adopts the bloodsworn theme, consumed by a need for revenge. Character Themes Just as race and class help to define who your character is in the world, theme adds an optional third component to refine your story and identity. The themes presented here explain what your character knows about adventuring in dungeons and provide story hooks that you can use to roleplay him or her. A theme generally embraces characters of many different classes. A few more narrowly focused themes are limited to a small selection of classes or races—for example, the Underdark outcast must belong to a subterranean race. Any such restrictions are noted in the theme’s entry. Each theme’s entry includes a sample character. These characters’ background stories can give you some ideas for playing that theme; in a pinch, if you have no character prepared, or if a character’s backstory appeals to you, you can roleplay him or her. This section presents the following themes. ✦ Bloodsworn go into a dungeon to kill a specific enemy, who defines the character’s life and quest for vengeance. The eladrin Meliera changed from a peace-seeking diplomat into a bitter hunter after a drow betrayed her. ✦ Deep delvers expertly explore underground environments, preferring the dark tunnels of the Underdark to the sunlit hills above. Karl Deepwalker saw his companions slain by grimlocks, and now the human youth searches for the traitor he’s sure was in their midst. ✦ Escaped thralls tore themselves free from the mental control of other creatures. They still bear the physical and mental scars of their imprisonment. Mord lost his childhood memories but sees flashes of his enslavement while he dreams. The half-orc has found some measure of peace as a servant of Ioun. ✦ Trapsmiths create deadly and debilitating devices. They get by on ingenuity, adrenaline, and elbow grease. Thorry the Unlucky lost a couple of fingers to a kobold trap when he was a young svirfneblin. He left his people to pursue safer work but keeps getting pulled back into the dungeon-delving life. ✦ Treasure hunters seek glory and wealth, setting their sights on specific items of considerable worth. Ella the halfling was saved by the mysterious Green Man, along with her siblings—at a price. Unless she finds his crown, scepter, and armor, she’ll never see her brother and sister again. ✦ Underdark envoys act as diplomats for Underdark societies. They might be spies, delegates for dark

7 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers CHARACTER THEMES NOAH BRADLEY When you can retrain, you can exchange your theme for another theme, instead of using any other option for retraining. To retrain a theme, you must have none of the theme’s optional powers, and you must have neither feats nor a paragon path for which the theme is a prerequisite. A paragon path that requires your current theme prevents you from retraining that theme, since paragon paths can’t be retrained. But if you have only optional powers or feats that prevent you from retraining your current theme, you can retrain those powers or feats to others that don’t require the theme. Once you have retrained all character elements that require your current theme, you can then retrain your theme at your next retraining opportunity. Themes as Story Tools Themes offer a wide array of character creation tools. You might choose your theme first and then pick a class or race to reinforce your identity. For example, a character who has the trapsmith theme can be of any class, but choosing the rogue class lets you reinforce your character’s talent for disarming traps with the tools to create them as well. You can also use a theme to take your character in a new direction, adopting a story role that your class or race might not otherwise provide. For example, if you play a dwarf fighter with the Underdark envoy theme, the combination can offer new opportunities for story hooks and roleplaying. What ancient text or scroll has your character been tasked with retrieving from a rival city? Which of your ancestors is connected to a drow merchant consortium through a shocking secret? The themes in this section can provide story elements that are unique to your character. Perhaps you have knowledge that you want to keep secret from other party members, or you might have a hidden agenda. Such secrets are meant to create fun roleplaying opportunities, not to set one character against the others. Every theme in this section has a good reason to want to work with the others. Think about your character’s theme and how he or she would interact with the other party members. Multiple characters could be looking for buried treasure, or several could have connections to drow society. Discuss these possible interactions with the DM and the other players in the same way that you might talk about each party member’s class or race. The world beneath the world awaits those who cross the threshold of a dungeon

8 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers TYLER JACOBSON BLOODSWORN “My enemies must pay for their crimes, and the only payment I will accept is in blood.” Evil emerges from below to work villainy on the innocent. Those of good heart stand against its machinations and struggle to rebuild in the aftermath of the conflict. For bloodsworn, though, guarding against wickedness is not enough. They take the fight to their enemies in a quest to destroy them all. Evil creates the situation that brings a bloodsworn into existence. Some terrible event sows the seeds of vengeance in an individual’s heart, goading him or her to take up sword and staff to fight back against the darkness and ensure that evil never rears its head again. Often, bloodsworn are survivors of slaughters, whether from goblin marauding, a dark cult’s sacrifices, or grimlock raids. Swearing bitter vows to the gods or to their dead comrades, bloodsworn travel a path of righteous vengeance. Playing a Bloodsworn Bloodsworn lead lonely lives that too often end with promises left unfulfilled and bodies broken by the very enemies they pledged to fight. You take no heed of such risks; if you did, you wouldn’t have chosen this life. Most people who encounter you fear that your obsession will bring attention to their peaceful and quiet lives. To those who have also endured suffering, however, you are a savior. These unhappy souls give what they have left to aid you in your quest. The moment you made the commitment to destroy your enemy, any chance of your having a normal life disappeared. As long as that evil darkens the world, you will never rest. But no matter how hot your hatred runs, you do not throw your life away against a foe you can’t hope to defeat. You understand that you have to train your skills, hone your abilities, and perfect your techniques before to the final confrontation. For these reasons, you undertake other missions, venturing into ruins and dungeons and fighting alongside your companions, all in preparation for the duty fate has laid at your feet. Building a Bloodsworn Bloodsworn exist among all races, classes, and cultures. One tragedy is enough to set an individual on the path of vengeance. When creating a bloodsworn character, consider the following story elements. Choose Your Enemy Every bloodsworn has an enemy that defines him or her. You can choose any individual, creature, or institution to be your enemy. Think about who your enemy is, what it did, and why it did so. Meliera, an eladrin paladin and a bloodsworn

9 BLOODSWORN CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers Tailor your training to better defeat that hated foe and counter its capabilities, tactics, and motivations. A bloodsworn who drives back orc hordes is very different from one who is committed to wiping out the Cult of the Elder Elemental Eye or one who has sworn to destroy giants. As you make decisions about feats, powers, and other game elements, keep your chosen enemy in mind and pick options to help you bring it down. Keep in mind your foe’s level relative to your own. If you are pursuing dark elves, you probably won’t encounter them until the heroic tier’s upper reaches at the earliest. On the other hand, goblins will cease to be a meaningful challenge once you hit the paragon tier. Be sure to talk with your Dungeon Master to make sure your chosen enemy fits into the campaign’s story and level range. You should also consider the scope of your vengeance. A limited goal makes defeating your chosen foe reasonable and achievable. Do you really want to exterminate all dark elves (an impossible task) or only the drow of House Eilserv? Finally, think about your character’s life before the tragedy changed you. What did you want to become? What were your dreams? What did you value? Do you still hope to reclaim the life that was taken from you, or have you given up all such expectations, knowing the road you now walk leads only to death? Vengeance’s Inspiration Your enemy could inspire the choices you make about your character. Consider deciding on your enemy before you select your class or race to guide you and suggest a character who best reflects your choice of adversary. If you prefer to choose your race and class first, those details in turn might suggest certain enemies. Many races in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS world have natural enemies. The history of the fey folk pits drow against eladrin and elves. Dwarves fought giants and orcs in ancient times. Dragonborn and tieflings have good reason to hate each other. The reasons behind these conflicts could be lost in the past, but the animosity remains very much alive. Choosing an enemy that has strong ties to your race helps reinforce your character’s place in the world. Just as race can help determine your chosen foe, your choice of class can suggest certain opponents and bring your character to life. Most classes have no particular animosities, but divine characters often pit themselves against servants of other gods. A priest of Corellon might vow to fight Gruumsh’s servants, and the Raven Queen’s paladins despise Zehir’s priests. A psion or an ardent might venture into the Underdark to seek out a portal to the Far Realm and prevent a flood of monstrosities from reaching the world. An unexpected choice for your hated enemy can create interesting dynamics in the group. For example, everyone expects a dwarf to hate orcs and giants, but you might create a dwarf fighter who has sworn to defeat an Underdark merchant consortium that exploited your people and emptied their vaults. Starting Feature The dead haunt your dreams, a constant reminder of your failure to save those closest to you. Your friends, your community, your former life—all were lost forever in one moment of violence. You refuse to let another misstep keep you from getting revenge. You are singularly focused on defeating your enemies. As your injuries mount, you find the will to succeed where another might fail. Benefit: You gain the bloodied determination power. Bloodied Determination Bloodsworn Utility When you are in dire straits, failure is not an option. You adjust your attack at the last moment to deliver a strike. Encounter ✦ Martial Free Action Personal Trigger: You miss with an at-will attack power while you are bloodied. Effect: You reroll the missed attack roll. POETIC JUSTICE Putting enemies to death at the point of a sword is satisfying, but not enough so for many bloodsworn. Some concoct elaborate schemes to get their revenge in the most fitting way possible. For example, someone whose brother was killed by duergar might go after the siblings of duergar rulers before attacking the rulers themselves. Other bloodsworn look for ways to ruin their enemies in the most demeaning way possible. The nature of such humiliation depends on the enemy society. Cult: Nothing frustrates cultists more than destroying their temples, killing creatures they summoned, and blaspheming against their beliefs. Destroying holy writings can also demoralize cultists and set back their plans. Drow: Betrayal and mistrust run rampant in drow society, so orchestrating an enemy’s fall in status is readily accomplished. For an even greater insult, the puppet who overthrows the enemy should be of low rank. Hobgoblins: Because hobgoblins take pride in military might, undermining their war efforts makes them look weak, cowardly, or incompetent. A hobgoblin leader so disgraced is unlikely to survive for long. Orcs: The best way to humiliate an orc is to defeat it in single combat. An orc’s friends will gather quickly for revenge, and in large numbers, so don’t hang around after striking the final blow. g g POETIC JUSTICE

10 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers Additional Features Level 5 Feature To confront your foes, you must descend into their lairs, contend with the tricks and traps blocking your way, and still have strength enough to do battle once you find your quarry. Constant training and preparation boosts your stamina so you can press on while channeling your fury into more focused attacks. Benefit: When you use your second wind, you gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls until the end of your next turn. Level 10 Feature Bloodsworn never back down from a fight. Battle-tested and courageous, they commit themselves to every contest. Flinching even a little can give an enemy the advantage it needs to win a decisive victory. Your intensity in battle is unmatched as you lead the offensive with a swift attack. Your enemies sense your determination and quail before you. Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to initiative checks and Intimidate checks. Optional Powers Level 2 Utility Power In battle, one foe might stand out from the rest. The forced advantage power lets you focus on it so you can bring it down more quickly and shift the battle to your favor. Forced Advantage Bloodsworn Utility 2 You fix your attention on one opponent to the exclusion of all other foes. Encounter ✦ Martial Minor Action Close burst 5 Target: One creature you can see in the burst Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain combat advantage against the target and a +2 power bonus to all defenses against the target’s attacks. You also take a –2 penalty to attack rolls on attacks that do not include the target. Level 6 Utility Power Tragedy birthed you, and the memories of that event haunt you still. From time to time, they resurface with such intensity that you are driven even harder to make your enemies pay. Urgent Aggression Bloodsworn Utility 6 The enemies you face bring back memories of your loss and sorrow, feelings you use to push yourself beyond your normal limits. Daily ✦ Martial Free Action Personal Trigger: You roll initiative. Effect: You gain an extra move action during your first turn in the encounter. Level 10 Utility Power Until your chosen foe has paid the price, not even the specter of impending death can turn you from your path. To the Death Bloodsworn Utility 10 You refuse death’s call and push yourself to keep fighting. Daily ✦ Healing, Martial Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: You drop below 1 hit point. Effect: You use one of your at-will attack powers. If the attack reduces its target to 0 hit points or fewer, you can spend a healing surge. Sample Bloodsworn: Meliera “They took my husband and destroyed my life. I have nothing left but hatred.” Some wars never end. Some hate never dies. A litany of wrongs keeps the fires of vengeance hot and fixes retaliation firmly in one’s mind until there is no recourse, no solution other than total war. Yet some try to find a path away from the bloodshed, to bury the past and forge a new peace. Sometimes such noble efforts work. Most times they end in tragedy, as Meliera knows all too well. Origin Story Meliera and her husband had long insisted that the eladrin people should make peace with the drow and end the long-standing animosity between the two races. Disturbed by growing aggression in their home city of Mithrendain against the exiled dark elves, they abandoned the Feywild for the natural world. There, they believed, they could help drow refugees who objected to their people’s corruption and sought to make new lives on the surface. The two settled into an old castle not far from tunnels that led into the Underdark, brought in servants and guards to patrol the lands, and worked with adventuring groups to infiltrate drow enclaves and liberate the oppressed. The first, and only, dark elf to enter their lives was the mysterious Rook. He claimed to be a lesser son of an important house who escaped certain death after killing an elder sister in a confrontation. The eladrin couple welcomed him into their home, tended to his injuries, and fed and clothed him. They treated him as one of their own, and Rook seemed grateful for their aid. Routine business in the nearby Valley of Obelisks drew Meliera away, so she left Rook in her husband’s care. When she returned, she found her home in ruins. Servants, guards, and worst of all, her husband, lay dead—throats cut, corpses bristling with poisoned bolts. Of Rook there was no sign. In that moment, Meliera’s life changed. Her sympathy for the dark elves died as quickly as her

11DEEP DELVER CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers husband had. Her people were right, she realized. Drow are dark-hearted, and they would do anything to gain an advantage. With her husband’s head cradled in her lap, she whispered a vow to Corellon, promising to hunt down those responsible and kill them all. If she discovered that Rook was involved, that he had played her false, she would make him beg for death. Values and Motivations A mix of emotions holds Meliera in its sway. Her guilt at being absent when her husband was killed compels her to don armor and heft blade. She feels stung by the idea that perhaps she was wrong about the nature of the dark elves, and the ease with which she first entertained this doubt about their nature makes her wonder if she ever really felt sympathy for them or if she was paying lip service to ideals that her husband once held. Questioning herself in this way also causes Meliera to feel as if she has betrayed her husband not only by being absent during the slaughter, but also by not cleaving firmly to his beliefs in the face of the greatest of losses ever: the death of her most beloved in the world. All this and more swirls darkly within Meliera’s heart and mind in a haze of grief and anger that never lifts and that causes her to push onward to bring justice’s sword down on her foes. Roleplaying Meliera Cold, withdrawn, and aloof, you possess none of the elegance and grace of other eladrin. Your purpose keeps you detached. You lack compassion for allies, though you would never abandon or betray them. Indeed, you feel obliged to protect them to make up for failing the people you loved. You understand your limits, though, and know those at your side will eventually come to harm no matter how hard you fight. So you keep your distance to insulate yourself from the grief their loss would undoubtedly bring. You know that wiping out all drow is neither practical nor possible. Instead, you seek the villains who killed your husband. You suspect they were tied to Rook’s house, so finding that missing dark elf is your first concern. Creating Meliera Meliera swore to protect the world from the drow and avenge the loved ones who suffered at their hands. She made this oath to Corellon and trained to become a paladin in his name. With the eladrin’s optional Charisma bonus, the protecting paladin build in the Player’s Handbook serves Meliera best. If you choose to play Meliera, you can choose her race and class to suit your interests. She might be an elf or a half-elf instead of an eladrin. In this case, a different defender class might work better, such as the fighter, the knight, or the cavalier. DEEP DELVER “Only here, with the weight of the world above my head, am I home.” Beneath the tramping of nations and the roots of forests is a world that surface dwellers can barely imagine. Countless tunnels and caverns, rivers and oceans form a fantastic, globe-spanning environment. To the unprepared, though, the underground wilderness is as ruthless as it is wondrous. Those who survive these wilds are among the greatest explorers in the world. For these deep delvers, an expedition to the Underdark is no more threatening than a stroll through the woods. Deep delvers are driven by an unquenchable desire to pit themselves against the challenges of the subterranean world. Some seek to map out the spiraling highway-tunnels of the Underdark. Others are naturally drawn to the seclusion of caves, preferring to abandon life on the surface. Yet others are born to the Underdark and still call it home. Playing a Deep Delver Deep delvers are rarely seen on the surface; the lure of underground adventure is too strong to keep them topside for long. As experts in navigating the treacherous depths, some deep delvers profit from their skills as guides or cartographers. Most surface dwellers see you as a bit mad, unable to understand how you go for so long without seeing the sun. You shrug your shoulders and wonder if they are the mad ones, uninterested in spending their lives gazing upon the Underdark’s wonders. Most deep delvers who were born on the surface are drawn below by a thirst for adventure. You are addicted to the thrill of exploring the vastness of the Underdark. For you, knowing the ways of caverns is as essential to survival as a surface dweller’s understanding of woodcraft. Those who cannot learn quickly are consumed, while those who survive become masters of their trade. You might undertake expeditions for the promise of treasure or fame, but you would enter the Underdark for no other reason than the chance to breathe the cavern air and tread the stone highways of a subterranean world. Building a Deep Delver Deep delvers are a diverse lot, united only by their will to thrive in the caverns they call home. Though deep delvers come from all races, few surface dwellers other than humans are likely to choose this path. Many deep delvers come from races native to the Underdark, such as dwarves and svirfneblin, who have a natural affinity for dungeoneering. Classes that specialize in survival skills, such as druids,

12 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers KIERAN YANNER rangers, and rogues, also excel as deep delvers. Consider the following story elements when creating a deep delver character. Born Above If you belong to a race native to the surface, something uncanny must have inspired you to favor a life below ground—and to enable you to survive there. The Underdark’s scope and geography are unlike anything aboveground. Think about why you decided to live below the earth, and thus how you approach its many challenges. Are you constantly in search of new sights and experiences? Is the physical challenge of getting there half the fun? You might revel in the rush of descending a miles-deep chasm or swimming through a flooded cave. The thrill of being the first to see such a sight is its own reward. You might instead be a deep delver out of necessity. Perhaps you live in a community located near an entrance to the Underdark that must contend with raids by monsters or savage humanoids, so that patrolling the tunnel and the area around it is essential to your home’s survival. Alternatively, your livelihood might depend on searching the Underdark for precious resources, such as rare minerals and magical components, or simply for food. In either case you must become a master of underground tracking and observation to succeed. The most well-known deep delvers have patrons who pay them to explore the Underdark. You might be the employee of a wealthy monarch, hired to map an extensive series of passages discovered in one of the realm’s mines. Does your patron plan to open up trade with Underdark civilizations, or hope to use the tunnels to launch secret attacks against rivals? The results of your exploration could trigger far-reaching events in the campaign. Consider also what you’re leaving behind as you delve. Your connection to family and friends on the surface is cut off during your ventures, but maybe that is the point. Did you become a deep delver to escape something? If so, what better place to hide than the limitless depths of the Underdark? Born Below For deep delvers who hail from the Underdark, the subterranean realm isn’t a mystery—it’s home. What topsiders see as a place of legendary dangers, mythic locales, and otherworldly beasts is just what you deal with every day. If your character is a member of an Underdark race, you probably have little patience with the blundering surface dwellers waving torches in your backyard. Consider how your character’s home and culture fits into the campaign. Dwarves, renowned for their tremendous underground cities, live in the upper reaches of the realm and regularly deal with surface Karl, a human ranger and a deep delver communities. The same goes for savage humanoids

13DEEP DELVER CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers such as goblins or kobolds, though their behavior is far less civil. These races live close enough to the surface that their domains have the feel of a nearby wilderness, much as a human or elf hunter would see a forest or swamp close to home—a place to be taken seriously but lacking mystery. Races that dwell deeper, such as the svirfneblin, are one with the Underdark, which provides them with shelter and sustenance. Deep delvers of these races see the world above as a place of wonder and legend, and they view explorers from the surface as sightseeing nuisances. Starting Feature For you, a trek to the Underdark is all in a day’s work. Your keen senses pick out lurking dangers that would spell doom for the less experienced. You’ve steeled your nerves against the hazards that threaten your every step. You know that you need to be on your toes when navigating the depths, but you wouldn’t have it any other way. Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to Dungeoneering checks. You also gain the subterranean survival power. Subterranean Survival Deep Delver Utility You thrive in the unforgiving caverns of the Underdark. Encounter ✦ Martial Free Action Personal Trigger: You make a Dungeoneering check and dislike the result. Effect: You reroll the Dungeoneering check. Additional Features Level 5 Feature A life spent underground has given you a diverse range of knowledge concerning subterranean ecology and terrain. From spotting the territory markers of hook horrors to knowing which pools of slime to avoid, you’re the authority when it comes to Underdark lore. In addition, the claustrophobia that rattles the nerves of some explorers doesn’t even faze you. You descend feet first through cramped tunnels without a second thought, moving as quickly as a cave lizard while others squeeze by at a crawl. Benefit: Your power bonus to Dungeoneering checks increases to +4. Also, when you squeeze, your speed is not halved, and you take a –2 penalty to attack rolls instead of the normal –5. Level 10 Feature When you spend weeks, months, sometimes years underground, even the flickering light of a torch can be as intense to you as the full brilliance of the sun. The best delvers sharpen their other senses to the point that lack of light does not hinder them. Subtle vibrations in the ground, the movement of drafts of air, or the echoes of sound against cavern walls let you find your way effortlessly. Benefit: You gain blindsight with a radius of 2 squares. Optional Powers All deep delvers are experts at surviving underground, but for some this specialization is an all-consuming passion. They don’t just survive, they thrive underground. Some become so adept at navigating the depths that they are uncomfortable anywhere else. Level 2 Utility Power Most battles underground don’t offer the luxury of an open field to maneuver: Swords rake against cavern walls, and combatants are forced into corners. You, though, take advantage of the cramped conditions, placing yourself where foes cannot easily reach you and using the walls as cover. Up against the Wall Deep Delver Utility 2 You find ways to take advantage of close-quarters environments. Encounter ✦ Martial Minor Action Personal Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain partial cover while you are adjacent to a square of blocking terrain, and any enemy that misses you with a melee attack while you have partial cover grants combat advantage to you until the end of your next turn. Level 6 Utility Power At this point in your career you know just about everything about exploring caves, and this knowledge lets you overcome obstacles where once you might have struggled. Cavern Lore Deep Delver Utility 6 Your talent for exploring caves gives you the edge needed to overcome unexpected challenges. Encounter ✦ Martial Free Action Personal Trigger: You fail an Acrobatics, Athletics, Endurance, or Perception check while underground. Effect: You make a Dungeoneering check and use its result instead.

14 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers WAYNE ENGLAND Level 10 Utility Power When the lights go out and you are suddenly tumbling into a ravine or in the path of a landslide, your skilled senses kick in to let you respond. Spelunker’s Instincts Deep Delver Utility 10 Your cave-delving reactions can save you from a sudden misstep or a serious injury. Encounter ✦ Martial Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: You take damage from a trap, a hazard, or a fall. Effect: Reduce the damage by 5 + one-half your level. Level 11: 10 + one-half your level. Level 21: 15 + one-half your level. Sample Deep Delver: Karl Deepwalker “Don’t worry. I’ll get us back to the surface . . . somehow.” Nothing tests an explorer’s mettle like a journey in the Underdark, as Karl Deepwalker has learned. Cut off from the support of his fellow delvers, the young human must rely on his untested wits to survive in the deepest of wildernesses as he seeks to discover who is behind the deaths of his former companions. Origin Story Eager to strike out on his own and make his fortune, Karl signed up with the Deep Guides as soon as he turned eighteen, just a few months ago. The Deep Guides keep the routes open between the surface and the Underdark, blaze trails through the warrens, and protect the caravans they accompany on the way to destinations such as Deeping Delve and Maelbrathyr. (See page 55 for more about the Deep Guides.) As tough as the work was, exploring the deep caverns and encountering fascinating people gave Karl a passion for delving. But now he is on his own. A few days ago, grimlocks wiped out Karl’s company of Deep Guides, though Karl managed to escape. His company had recently concluded a deal with an up-and-coming merchant house to create new markets in Underdark communities just beneath the surface. The Guides’ leader had returned to headquarters to give the others the rundown when grimlocks spilled in through the doors, hacking at everyone in their path. Karl survived by running into the depths, but now he is hounded by guilt. If he had stood by his companions, perhaps he could have made a difference in the fight, but he’ll never know. He’s also suspicious about the attack: The timing was too perfect, and the grimlocks tripped none of the company’s alarms. Karl believes that someone in the organization was behind it—and he aims to find out who. Values and Motivations Karl is set on discovering the traitor who sent his fellow Deep Guides to their deaths. He’ll do whatever it takes to avenge his friends. Karl plans to search the former headquarters of the Deep Guides, though he knows it will mean viewing the horrific aftermath of the attack. There he hopes to find clues that will lead him to the traitor, and maybe signs that some of the other Deep Guides escaped the slaughter. Roleplaying Karl You are overwhelmed by strong emotions, but you have come to terms with your friends’ deaths. Now you must recover your courage and sense of self-worth to do what you must to avenge them. Your fledgling dungeoneering skills were put to the test as you fled, and you’re unsure whether they will be enough. You crave the fellowship of strong-willed companions to lean on emotionally as well as in combat. Your time with the Deep Guides instilled in you an industrious work ethic, though your youthful enthusiasm has been suppressed by the harsh reality of life in the Underdark. You always feel a moment of hesitation when faced with a dangerous situation, but you have vowed to never again abandon your comrades in time of need. Creating Karl Karl’s quest for answers in the Underdark requires a diverse range of skills, as well as the grit to take on the enemies he’s sure to face there. A human’s versatility serves him well, and the ranger is a good class fit. If you prefer to change Karl’s race or class, he could easily be a dwarf instead of a human. Any class that grants training in Dungeoneering, such as rogue, enables him to explore dungeons successfully.

15ESCAPED THRALL CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers WILLIAM O’CONNOR ESCAPED THRALL “I can still feel them crawling in the back of my mind, but they’ll never get me again—not if I have anything to say about it.” In the deepest caverns, where the sun is but a myth and the weight of the world crushes all hope, abominations haunt the dark. These perverse beings—aboleths, mind flayers, and worse—exert a loathsome control over the minds of others. Few who become their slaves ever return. Yet some of dauntless resolve do escape, though they are forever burdened by the scars of their slavery. The lingering voice of the master echoes just beyond comprehension in the backs of their minds. Playing an Escaped Thrall Escaped thralls flee as far and as fast from their captors as possible. Only then do they try to recover physically and mentally, though some are never able to heal the scars of their captivity. These poor souls become mad, unable to coexist with a society that cannot understand their pain; most die alone and penniless. Escaped thralls who can control themselves develop a strong sense of purpose. Some are driven to do good in the world, while others simply try to make the most of their existence. For you, your new life began with a thought, one that was not your own. The psychic domination burrowed into your mind like a ravenous worm. You didn’t realize that it was happening, as all purpose, memory, and individuality vanished. Yet some tiny fraction of your identity remained, hidden within the mental labyrinth created by the insidious master. Your will was strong enough to find the way out of this maze and escape. The call of an escaped thrall’s former master beckons, and for some this pull is too much to ignore. Many escaped thralls venture back into the caverns of their former existence to satisfy a maddening compulsion. Those whose will is strong return to their old homes of their own accord, not out of curiosity but for revenge. Escaped thralls who become adventurers are grim and determined. As one of these, you have survived horrors that crushed the spirits of lesser folk and would gladly face any danger to confront your tormentor. This singular goal demands that you become a master of exploring the dungeons that your former captor calls home. Building an Escaped Thrall The aberrant entities that enslave the minds of mortals care little what they prey upon, so escaped thralls can be from any race, class, or culture. Many adopt psionic classes, their liberation having awakened new mental Mord, a half-orc and an escaped thrall

16 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers abilities. When creating an escaped thrall character, you should consider the following story elements. Monstrous Enslavement The nature of your captor plays a huge part in how you portray your character’s theme. The haunted visions, physical marks, and story elements can vary wildly depending on what creature enslaved you. In a way, your former master is the most important part of your background. Whatever the creature that enslaved you, its motives are likely mysterious. The identity of your captor might be a secret that is slowly revealed to you over the course of your dungeon expeditions. Keep in mind that many such monsters are of very high level, so if you want any chance of success, you can’t just storm into your captor’s lair until you have improved your own capabilities. Shattered Body Most thralls bear physical marks of their imprisonment. These might be the lashes made by a drow whip across your back, or scars on your neck from a vampire’s bite. These injuries testify to the horrors you endured and might make others feel pangs of pity or revulsion. Do you try to conceal your scars so as not to draw attention to yourself, or do you proudly bear them as proof of your indomitable will? Perhaps instead of physical scars, you wear an air of illness. Your skin hangs loose and sickly from malnourishment during your time underground, or dark bags under your eyes reveal that your torment robs you of sleep. Sometimes the signs of your ordeal are subtle, such as the trembling of your hands. Scarred Mind Your psychic enslavement has left its mark on your mind. You gained freedom—but at what cost? Do you fear that your master will come for you, or worse, that you might surrender your sanity and return to be enslaved again? Perhaps you cling to ideals or goals to focus your mind, suppressing the memories through force of will. Either way, others might find you enigmatic or even dangerous. Even if you have recovered well, your mind has been permanently altered by your captivity. Casting off mental domination has awakened psionic talent in you that had lain dormant until the moment of your freedom. Do you embrace this strange force, or hate it as you hate your former master? Starting Feature Your psychic imprisonment did more than just change you emotionally and psychologically, it fundamentally altered your mind. By recognizing and controlling these new abilities, you can do things you were never capable of before. Most of the theme’s powers involve the use of power points. See the Rules Compendium or Player’s Handbook 3 for how to use power points with powers that have the augmentable keyword. Benefit: You gain 1 power point. You regain all your power points when you take a short rest or an extended rest. You also gain the my mind is my own power. My Mind Is My Own Escaped Thrall Utility Your passion for freedom drives out the presence of insidious entities from your mind. Encounter ✦ Augmentable, Psionic Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: You are hit by a charm or a psychic attack. Effect: You gain resist 5 psychic until the end of your next turn. Also, you gain a +2 power bonus to saving throws against charm effects and psychic effects until the end of your next turn. Level 11: Resist 10 psychic. Level 21: Resist 15 psychic. Augment 1 Effect: As above, and you can make a saving throw against any charm effect and psychic effect at the start of your turn, instead of at the end, if a save can end the effect. This benefit lasts until the end of the encounter. Additional Features Level 5 Feature Whether they communicate in fevered babbling or maniacal whispers, escaped thralls often slip into their former master’s alien language. Some gain a mastery of this tongue, wresting an understanding of mysteries from subconscious messages. You have gained insight into matters you shouldn’t be able to comprehend. By carefully bringing this knowledge to the surface, you can use it to your benefit. Benefit: Add Deep Speech to the languages you can speak, read, and write. You also gain a +2 power bonus to Dungeoneering checks. Level 10 Feature Escaped thralls who survive the trials and creeping madness of their ordeal become calmer, able to focus on reality in a way that brings peace. Benefit: You gain a +1 power bonus to Will. Optional Powers An escaped thrall’s scars never fully heal. Some pretend to live normal lives unafflicted by corruption. For others, the lingering torment becomes an obsession. Your freedom becomes your identity. These optional powers let you harness the clinging madness of your enslavement, turning it into a weapon against your enemies.

17ESCAPED THRALL CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers Level 2 Utility Power Sometimes your mind seems no longer your own. It operates in ways you can’t understand, sometimes pulling up knowledge you never realized you had. You have learned to rely on this alien influence to protect yourself. Protective Trauma Escaped Thrall Utility 2 A hidden bit of memory has placed an accessible psionic defense in your mind. Encounter ✦ Augmentable, Psionic Minor Action Personal Effect: You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. Augment 1 Effect: As above, and allies gain a +1 power bonus to Will while adjacent to you. This benefit lasts until the end of your next turn. Level 6 Utility Power At times a flood of memories comes rushing back to you, imparting a random bit of information amid the confusion of sights and sounds. The alien insight power lets you sift through these visions, though who can say if they arise from your experience or from within the mind of your monstrous slaver? Alien Insight Escaped Thrall Utility 6 A confusing barrage of sensations left over from your imprisonment flashes before your eyes, giving you an advantage if you can make sense of them. Daily ✦ Augmentable, Psionic Minor Action Personal Effect: Roll a d4 to determine the power’s effect. 1. You gain an extra move action this turn. 2. You gain a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of your next turn. 3. You gain a +2 power bonus to the number of squares you can pull, push, or slide creatures with attacks and effects before the end of your next turn. 4. You regain 2 power points. Augment 1 Effect: As above, but roll twice and use either result. Level 10 Utility Power As time goes by, some thralls are able to turn the deep scars of their torment outward, using it to assail the minds of their enemies. These visions rock the sanity of the onlooker, bombarding their senses with darkness, pain, and the maddening whispers of the thrall’s former master. Opening this doorway is often as shocking for you as it is for your opponent, since you each relive the horrible events of your capture. Yet the advantage goes to you, for only you know that freedom waits at the end of the road; your opponent knows no such reprieve. Window into Madness Escaped Thrall Utility 10 You make mental contact with your enemy, giving it a brief yet vivid taste of the torment you endured as a thrall. Daily ✦ Psionic Minor Action Close burst 5 Target: One creature in the burst Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you grant combat advantage, and the target gains vulnerable 10 psychic. Sustain Minor: The effect persists until the end of your next turn. Sample Escaped Thrall: Mord “The deeper we go, the more wary I become. There’s something evil down here. It makes my scars itch.” All beings long for freedom and will do anything to shatter the yoke of slavery. But what hope is there for escape when the master chains not only the body but the mind? Not one in a thousand possesses the iron will to break free, but Mord did—at a terrible price. Origin Story Nightmares have haunted Mord since his childhood. He doesn’t remember anything before he was about ten, when he emerged alone and frightened from a cave on a barren hillside during a downpour. He would have died from exposure had not a traveling priest named Michelson happened by and found the young half-orc shivering in the mud. THE GIFTS OF TORTURE Thrallmasters inflict unspeakable horrors on their captives, but such maltreatment sometimes instills useful abilities along with the residual scars. The sort of marks an escaped thrall bears might indicate a particular boon. Psionic Seeds: Icy fingers crawl across your mind, grasping at your thoughts, trying to control your actions. As long as you can hold them back, your altered mind can accomplish great feats. Augmented Flesh: The alien scars that cover your body make you look like a freak. In the rush of combat, your muscles distort and ripple. The feeling is horrific, but the effect sometimes lets you transcend your body’s normal limits. Dreams and Visions: The nightmares that wrack your sleeping mind leave you on edge when you wake. Still, glimmers of prophecy are hidden within those visions and might prove useful—if you can decipher them. Perhaps priests experienced with such foresight can guide you. THE GIFTS OF TORTURE g gy

18 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers The priest was a hermit sworn to Ioun, but Mord’s plight stirred his heart, and he forsook his isolation to care for the child. Despite this kindness, nightmares assailed Mord in his sleep. Many nights he woke up screaming, believing himself to be drowning. Though Mord was ill suited to the intellectual pursuits demanded by Ioun’s dogma, he was fervent in his faith and learned the prayers as best he could. Now an adult, and having buried the old priest long ago, Mord travels the world to spread Ioun’s teachings and fight the horrors of the dark. What he has yet to discover is that aboleths enslaved his people, dragging them into the Underdark to transform them into hideous servitors. Although he escaped their clutches, their evil has infected his thoughts. If that infection flares up, the aboleths might regain their hold on him forever. Values and Motivations Mord clings to his faith, using it as a shield against the darkness brooding in his mind. He is frightened by the alien thoughts that plague him and ashamed of his inability to overcome them. As a devout follower of Ioun, he should be able to control his emotions through logic and concentration—so he tells himself. Mord’s mission takes him around the world. His only goal is to do the will of Ioun; the only direction he travels is away from the cave where Father Michelson saved him. Roleplaying Mord Though you are faithful to Ioun and try to be as good as you can be, you constantly feel that you fall short of Father Michelson’s teachings. Are you too hard on yourself, or are your doubts stirred by a darker force? You are inspired most by the desire to repay Father Michelson’s kindness by doing good works on behalf of others. You avoid probing too deeply into the secret of your childhood enslavement, for fear that learning too much will give your former master control over you. You know, however, that you cannot escape the truth forever. Creating Mord Mord’s adolescence spent studying with Father Michelson has given him an uncommon combination of intellect and poise, especially for a half-orc. His commitment to his adopted faith, along with his natural strength and athleticism, make Mord a natural warpriest of Ioun. If you choose to play Mord as a member of a different race and less of an outsider, he could be human instead. Changing his class gives him a different feel: A more pacifist cleric build emphasizes Mord’s subtle qualities, while as an avenger he is more impulsive, perhaps influenced by his lingering scars. TRAPSMITH “Don’t touch that.” Some things you just don’t fight. To take on adversaries that have superior strength, cunning, or resources (or all three), you need to remove their advantages. Such an alternative approach is the job of a trapsmith. Humanoids have been building traps since the earliest times, developing techniques to take down big game for food and clothing. According to loremasters, goblin tribes were the first to perfect this kind of hunting. They were able to obtain and store more food than their competition, allowing them to survive harsh winters and increase their numbers. Many years later, other races came to appreciate the ingenuity of their counterparts—mainly through direct interaction with goblin traps. Playing a Trapsmith Trapmaking started out as an essential survival tool but became more advanced as technology improved and magic was discovered. Dwarves developed methods of blasting stone with black powder and incorporated the new techniques into traps to create terrifying inventions. Arcane practitioners also began STEPS IN SETTING A TRAP Placing a trap always comes with the risk of setting it off. Trapsmiths follow these careful steps so they can keep their extremities and improve the chance of having their traps work as intended. 1. Pick the Right Spot: Place traps in narrow tunnels or around valuable objects. Don’t give anyone room to skirt around them. 2. Avoid Collateral Damage: Don’t let your trap hurt anybody or anything it’s not supposed to. Also watch out that you don’t place a trap where it can damage the thing it’s meant to protect. 3. Use the Right Tools: Don’t cut corners. If you don’t have the tools to make a particular trap, make a different trap. End of story. 4. Keep Your Distance: If you stay close to your trap while you set it, you’re begging to get yourself maimed. Long-handled tools, such as tongs, and tenfoot poles were made for a reason. Protective goggles can’t hurt, either. 5. Don’t Test It: It’s disappointing when a trap fails in the field, but it’s not worth risking your life to try the trap out. Far better to be known as the trapsmith who set a couple of duds than as the one who got killed by your own trap. g yy p

19TRAPSMITH CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers BEN WOOTTEN their own experiments, which ultimately led to the development of magical traps that used special sigils and runes. As great kingdoms and empires arose, traps became tools of warfare in addition to protecting valuable people and possessions. The new reality required masters of both disarming and creating traps. That’s where you come in. You’re not just an expert in all things relating to traps. You see every new trap as a puzzle to be solved, its secrets waiting for you to bring them to their highest expression. The physical and emotional scars of your profession are small costs to pay for the sense of aliveness you experience as you practice your trade. Trapsmiths are rare, so you have little difficulty gaining employment. Adventuring parties, military expeditions, and explorers all value your efforts and often call upon you for follow-up duties if you perform well. You command higher payment for dungeon expeditions than most other adventuring professionals, due to the danger involved in your work as well as your specialized skill set. Indeed, the older you are, the more you can charge for your services, since most young and inexperienced trapsmiths die early. Building a Trapsmith Trapsmiths prefer to live in solitude, honing their skills and mastering their trade. You spend your free time researching new and exciting places to go. You might have a core group of friends, but beyond that, you are not very social. Ironically, you might feel like a prisoner in life—with death the ultimate trap to be defeated. You might become a trapsmith if you enjoy creating dastardly devices to hinder and harm foes; rogues and possibly rangers are typical classes. You might also choose this theme if you like to play clever tricks or conduct intricate research. A mage or bard makes a good trapsmith. Members of any race might take up such a career, but those with an aptitude for mechanical constructions (such as dwarves, gnomes, or svirfneblin) find greater success, as well as those with some magical aptitude. When creating a trapsmith character, consider the following story elements. Analytical Mind You understand physics innately and see life’s challenges as equations to be solved, using strict logic to determine the likely success or failure of a course of action. You might not be conscious of this thought process; even in social situations, you tend to analyze the situation coldly instead of considering body language and emotion. Thus, others might think you odd. You prefer to live in solitude, honing your skills and mastering your trade, and you spend your free time researching new and Thorry the Unlucky, a svirfneblin and a trapsmith

20 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers exciting places to go. You might have a core group of friends, but beyond that, you are not very social. Adrenaline Rush Nothing is more exciting than disarming a trap that could splatter you across the room. You love getting into the face of death and kicking it hard. You also enjoy the accolades for overcoming dangerous challenges and might purposely seek out bigger and more hazardous traps. The knowledge you win when you survive such dangers lets you make your own creations that much more fiendish. Your creations are feared by all and coveted by those who need to protect something precious. Your profession is not a risk-free one. You have suffered for your art and are likely to have scars, welts, or even a missing limb. Rare is the trapsmith who has not had a mishap while setting or disarming a trap. You might also bear emotional scars, which, though not visible, can have longer-lasting effects. Starting Feature You can create and disarm elaborate traps, but sometimes a simple device is all that’s needed to stop an enemy in its tracks. Benefit: You gain a trap-making kit (15 lb.), which you use to lay your traps. If you ever lose the kit, it costs 40 gp to replace. You also gain the trip the trap power. Trip the Trap Trapsmith Attack An enemy’s approach triggers a nasty trap you prepared just for this occasion. Encounter Immediate Reaction Melee 1 Requirement: You must have a trap-making kit on your person. Trigger: An enemy enters a square adjacent to you. Target: The triggering enemy Attack: Intelligence + 2 vs. Reflex Level 11: Intelligence + 4 vs. Reflex Level 21: Intelligence + 6 vs. Reflex Hit: 1d6 + Intelligence modifier damage. Level 11: 2d6 + Intelligence modifier damage. Level 21: 3d6 + Intelligence modifier damage. Effect: The target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn. Additional Features Level 5 Feature Few professions rival the trapsmith’s trade for the inherent danger it holds. You are intimately aware of the threat that any hazard or trap presents, and you have honed your ability to sense when one might be nearby. Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to Perception checks and Thievery checks. Level 10 Feature Once you have mastered your trade, you can modify the traps you create on the fly to create specialized effects. Benefit: You can forgo dice of damage from your trip the trap power for one of the following effects. You choose to forgo the dice after you know you hit, but before you make the damage roll. If you forgo one die of damage, the target falls prone. If you forgo two dice of damage, the target is dazed until the end of your next turn. Optional Powers Level 2 Utility Power You can rig a simple alarm system to warn your party of intruders. Alarm Trap Trapsmith Utility 2 A few specially enchanted bells can suss out a hidden foe. Daily ✦ Arcane Minor Action Personal Requirement: You must have a trap-making kit on your person. Effect: You set an alarm trap in one unoccupied square adjacent to you. It lasts until the end of your next extended rest. If an invisible creature enters a square within 5 squares of the trap, the trap is destroyed, and the creature loses invisibility and takes a –10 penalty to Stealth checks (save ends both). Level 6 Utility Power You have refined your skills to the point that your simple alarm can surprise and upset those who trigger it. Disorienting Trap Trapsmith Utility 6 You lay a magical trap designed to bewilder an enemy. Daily ✦ Arcane Minor Action Personal Requirement: You must have a trap-making kit on your person. Effect: You set a disorienting trap in one unoccupied square adjacent to you. It lasts until the end of your next extended rest. If an enemy enters a square within 5 squares of the trap, the trap is destroyed, and the enemy and each creature adjacent to it grants combat advantage and falls prone if hit (save ends both). Level 10 Utility Power Sometimes you run into situations that require just a few moments more. It’s a Trap! Trapsmith Utility 10 You sense that something bad is about to happen. Daily Immediate Interrupt Close burst 5 Trigger: A hazard, object, or trap within 5 squares of you triggers. Target: You and each ally in the burst Effect: Each target shifts up to half his or her speed and gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses against hazards, objects, and traps until the end of the encounter.

21TRAPSMITH CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers Sample Trapsmith: Thorry the Unlucky “Always double check. Else? Boom! There goes yer hand—if yer lucky.” Kobolds took two fingers on Thorry’s left hand, or rather, a trap set by kobolds did. That Thorry didn’t lose his arm and bleed to death earned him the moniker “the Fortunate”—a name he hates. Wish him good luck, and he winces; comment on a winning streak, and he spits a curse. Thorry calls himself “the Unlucky” and believes luck favors him only if he doesn’t acknowledge it. Yet he won’t admit this idea even to himself, lest luck somehow find out. Origin Story As a young svirfneblin, Thorry had ambitions to be a baker, but the elders noticed he had quick reflexes and steady hands. So he was tasked with rooting out and dismantling traps set by kobolds around his warren, deep in the Feydark. Crawling through cramped passages, dagger clenched between his teeth, and carrying an oilcloth filled with tools, Thorry got to know all sorts of diabolical devices hatched from the wickedest minds. He discovered he had a knack for analyzing traps, a talent that helped him figure out how to disarm one after just a few seconds of study. Whether a mundane pit or scything blade, or a magical glyph or curse, he could see the patterns and know just what to do to mess up the works. He was a natural, and thus he unwillingly found his calling. Even the best trapsmith can’t handle the strain forever. After a decade spent pulling apart kobold traps, losing his fingers along the way, Thorry had had enough. He sneaked away one night and slipped through a portal to the natural world, where he thought to earn a livelihood in a less dangerous profession. The trouble was, he didn’t know how to do anything else. So he ended up hiring himself out to adventuring parties as a trapsmith. Figuring that dungeons hold fewer traps than he encountered on the front lines against the kobolds, he hopes to do this job only for a few years and then retire. Thorry is good at what he does, and despite everything he usually enjoys it. He has come to realize that he is a valued master of his trade, and he makes sure he is rewarded appropriately. Values and Motivations Thorry is in this strictly for the money, though he does like to keep his hand in. He isn’t willing to take stupid chances, with retirement so close. When hired on to an adventuring team, he bluntly advises the others on the best course of action. If he can pass on even a fragment of his experience and knowledge, he considers himself obligated to make the attempt. He takes pride in his work, though, and once he has started a task, he is unwilling to leave it unfinished. Roleplaying Thorry In your line of work, being a little paranoid is an important survival trait. You comes across as dour and suspicious to those who have never spoken to you. That trait, along with your matted hair, disfigured hand, and scarred face, make you hard to approach. Those willing to make the effort, though, find you to be excellent company. You like to speak with people, having been a loner for most of your life. You have a dark sense of humor and tell quirky stories about your prior employment. Though you hope to escape that life forever, you’re always willing to help—if the pay is right. Creating Thorry If you choose to play Thorry, you need not keep him a svirfneblin. He might instead be a surface-dwelling gnome, or perhaps a former kobold trapmaker or a goblin scout making his way in the wider world. His talents are best suited to the rogue class, but the skill set of a ranger also works well for trapsmiths; you could consider a hybrid of both. DEALING WITH TRAPS Some traps are designed to capture, others are meant to maim or kill, and certain traps delay or misdirect intruders. As a trapsmith, you’re going to have to deal with someone else’s trap at least as often as you set your own. No matter the exact function of a given trap, it falls into one of two categories. Mechanical devices use physical components, such as tension coils, levers, and special releases that activate when triggered. Even a simple mechanical trap, such as a covered pit, is quite effective. Magical traps are more difficult but can be tailored to specific situations. For example, a rune might trigger a sleep spell only when unidentified intruders enter the warded area. Disabling a trap doesn’t have to mean destroying it. At the DM’s discretion, you could make a hard Thievery check to reset a trap that is disabled if its requisite components are still intact. Alternatively, you could repurpose a trap by moving it to a more useful location. In some situations, delaying a trap is just as useful as disabling or destroying it. When time is short, or you face other more pressing threats, you might want to hold off a trap’s activation for a few moments until your companions get past. You can always devote your complete attention to analyzing the trap later. Such a check might be of moderate or hard difficulty for the trap’s level, at the DM’s discretion. y g p

22 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers TREASURE HUNTER ”X never, ever marks the spot.” Attaining wealth and glory might be a shallow and selfish goal, but treasure hunters are fine with that. They take on great risk and danger to dig up great riches. Treasure hunters also enjoy the thrill of the chase when seeking out valuable finds, sometimes to the point of addiction, and this adventurous spirit can be contagious. Finding lost or buried treasure is much harder than it appears at first. Treasure hunters constantly crave more wealth. They generally learn just enough to find their quarry and care nothing for confirming legends or ancient texts—other than to plunder whatever they refer to. Some, though, learn to love the unique history of the antiquities they seek. Those without a formal education might study a subject related to their quest on their own, even becoming specialists on specific topics. Treasure hunters are typically self-sufficient. Occasionally several work together to meet similar goals, but they do not trust each other. Each views the others as brigands and mercenaries out to steal their finds. Playing a Treasure Hunter Treasure hunters are viewed as money-grubbing and selfish, for good reason. They are out for fame and fortune, but they aren’t necessarily shallow. They bring considerable expertise to dungeon expeditions. Treasure hunters who can operate without seeking employment are usually already wealthy. They do their job for the thrill of it, or to further their own collection. Many have been treasure hunters for years and have acquired the necessary experience to survive such a dangerous profession. For your part, you despise the label of mercenary as insulting and inaccurate. Although you hire out your services to the highest bidder, fighting wars and obtaining antiquities are very different tasks—as you are quick to point out. You are pragmatic, insisting on a contract to ensure you have the resources needed to complete the job. Pragmatism does not mean ruthlessness. Although you tend to your own interests first, you take care of those who travel with you. Treasure hunters worth their salt understand the value of a satisfied adventuring party and are more than fair when negotiating terms for the expedition. Many develop long-lasting relationships with their fellow delvers, bonded by the danger they face together. Building a Treasure Hunter You can apply the treasure hunter theme to any character concept that thrives on risk-taking and exploration (even more so than the average adventurer). You might enjoy this theme if you wish to play a cunning character who enjoys overcoming difficult challenges through unconventional thinking. When creating your treasure hunter character, keep these story elements in mind. Adroit Dungeoneer You are a skilled adventurer, able to adapt to any situation. Although your yearning for wealth and recognition drives you, you have earned a reputation for cleverness. You enjoy finding solutions to problems and applying your unique logic when dealing with unusual situations. Throughout your career as a treasure hunter, you have had to deal with threats that are common in dungeons. Although each dungeon is unique, all share some features. You know these by heart and know how to handle each of them. Your reputation speaks volumes about your sense of adventure and your proven experience. Employers love your attitude and are confident in your success at acquiring an relic or treasure. EFFICIENT TREASURE COLLECTION It happens to every explorer (or so every explorer hopes): You find a hoard so big you can’t take it all. At first you’re excited, then frustrated. You have no choice but to prioritize the importance of treasure. Here are the key factors to consider. Portable: Gems! What wonderful little things. Worth so much money but with far less weight. Skip the gold idols and pry the gems loose from their eyes instead. Rare: Art objects and rare weapons fetch a pretty sum. Study up on the ancient civilizations of a region so you can grab the rarest stuff. When in doubt, go with whatever looks old (but not rusty). Magic: With training in arcane matters, you can learn enough about spells to detect magic. You never know when some cheap-looking trinket turns out to have a great enchantment on it. Popular: Finding a buyer isn’t always easy, and human creations won’t fetch the best price even if they’re old. Go with antique items made by dwarves, cyclopses, eladrin, and tieflings (but only those from Bael Turath). Not Cursed: Sure, every treasure hoard has some rumors of a curse floating around it. You’ll figure out when to believe those rumors, one way or another. First piece of advice? Mummy treasure is always cursed. Always.

23TREASURE HUNTER CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers MILIVOJ ´CERAN Recognized Expert Many of the world’s famous treasure hunters are renowned for their expertise in recovering specific types of treasure and overcoming the threats that guard them from plunderers. You make sure to be as informed as possible about the places where you will be adventuring. Another reason to specialize is simply a matter of business. Your choice is based on a given treasure’s value, availability, and salability. You might be inclined to let the small fish fight over the latest fad while you bring back more lucrative pieces. On the other hand, you might join the crowd, knowing you are much more likely than the rest to get the goods. Living on the Edge You are a thrill-seeker, constantly on the lookout for adventures that will sate your hunger for danger. Riches and fame aren’t enough—you love living by the seat of your pants. You feel most alive whenever you get into a precarious situation and manage to avert the danger, all while showing off your skills. Not many can boast of a life as exciting as what you have experienced, and you have no intention of slowing down now. To you, life is a one big treasure hunt, and the ultimate prize is a sense of accomplishment mixed with plenty of thrills. You will look back when you are old and say to yourself, “Whoa! I lived an amazing life!” Starting Feature Treasure hunters develop something of a sixth sense when it comes to detecting the presence of a relic. Benefit: You gain the treasure sense power. Treasure Sense Treasure Hunter Utility You have an innate sense of where treasure is located. Daily Minor Action Personal Effect: Choose a single item. For the next hour, you gain a +4 power bonus to any knowledge check, Perception check, Streetwise check, or Thievery check that relates to finding or identifying that item. Additional Features Level 5 Feature You have become accustomed to dealing with rival treasure seekers as well as the hazards that face any adventurer. Because of this, you can better handle a particular type of peril, whether physical, social, or intellectual. Benefit: You gain Skill Focus as a bonus feat. Ella, a halfling warlock and a treasure hunter

24 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers Level 10 Feature Whether it be a tight dungeon corridor or an altar room of a forgotten god, treasure hunters are always fighting in close quarters. You have learned how to maneuver and fight in these environments and have adjusted accordingly. Benefit: You do not take the normal attack roll penalties for squeezing or being prone. Optional Powers All treasure hunters realize that situations can change at the drop of a hat and have honed their ability to survive. You can choose one of the following powers instead of one given as a class or race option. Level 2 Utility Power With a well-placed attack or a lightning-quick disarming of a trap, you can make your own luck, allowing you to dart away. Stick and Move Treasure Hunter Utility 2 You take advantage of a chance to act freely. Encounter ✦ Martial Free Action Personal Trigger: On your turn, you succeed on a Thievery check or hit an enemy with a basic attack. Effect: You shift up to 2 squares, and you can draw or stow one item. Level 6 Utility Power Having no situational awareness can be a detriment to you and your party. You are able to bark out a quick order and keep everyone’s attention on what’s important. Pay Attention Treasure Hunter Utility 6 Often, allies don’t look out for the dangers found in dungeons. Sometimes you need to remind them. Daily ✦ Martial Free Action Close burst 3 Trigger: You roll initiative. Target: You and each ally in the burst Effect: Each target gains a +2 power bonus to his or her initiative check, and a +2 power bonus to all defenses during the first round of combat. Level 11: +4 power bonus. Level 21: +6 power bonus. Level 10 Utility Power In order to have a successful and long-lasting career, you have to know your limits and how to push yourself beyond them. Exertion Treasure Hunter Utility 10 You know how to dig deep to meet a challenging situation. Encounter ✦ Martial No Action Personal Trigger: You make a skill check or a saving throw and dislike the result. Effect: You reroll and must use the new result. Sample Treasure Hunter: Ella “Look, the Green Man saved me and he gave me these spells and all. Great, nice of him. But that weirdo also has my brother and sister, so I gotta get these treasures and finish this deal.” The world is full of treasure waiting to be found. Seeking it is not only the sport of mortals—even otherworldly beings play this treacherous game. The Green Man changed Ella’s life. She never knew his true name or where he came from, but she owes him a debt that she must repay. Origin Story Not long ago, Ella and her halfling clan navigated the waterways as they had for generations. Simple folk, they traded and fished as they followed the rivers. One day the clan headed into unknown territory. Other travelers warned them of the lands ahead, reputed to be haunted by will-o’-wisps and other strange things, and infested with goblins. The halflings ignored the warnings and pressed on. Goblins ambushed their flotilla, launching flaming arrows from all sides. The halflings fought back as best they could, but they were outmatched. Ella feared for her brother and sister, who were many years younger than her. She scooped them up, leaped overboard, and swam for shore. They clambered up the bank and ran into the forest as fast as they could, but the goblins saw them. Wolf riders pursued them over rocks and fallen trees, filling the woods with howls and laughter. On and on Ella ran, dragging her brother and sister with her, until the three stumbled into a clearing where a great, grassy hill rose like a turtle’s shell from the forest floor. They climbed the hill, the goblins at their heels, but just as their pursuers were about to strike, a green figure erupted from the hillside. It slashed and cut at the goblins with an emerald blade, and in moments they and their wolves lay dead. The figure turned to the halflings he had saved and said, in a musical voice, “I have given you three lives. Now you owe me a debt.” The fey lord, who called himself the Green Man, explained how his enemies had bound him to this hill long ago and stolen his crown, scepter, and armor. In exchange for saving the lives of Ella and her young siblings, he demanded that she find the stolen treasures and bring them to him. To ensure she did as he demanded, he would hold her siblings hostage until every item was returned. If she failed or did not return, her brother and sister would remain with him forever.

25UNDERDARK ENVOY CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers WAYNE ENGLAND The Green Man did not make such a terrible demand without giving the untested Ella some hope of success. They made a pact on that sylvan hill, an agreement that bound their fates and bestowed on Ella some of the Green Man’s witchery. She emerged from his demesne armed with fey abilities, and now she scours the world in search of the stolen treasures. Values and Motivations Ella never wanted this life, but it is hers now. She must seek out the treasure that the Green Man wants if she is ever to save her brother and sister again. To free her siblings from the archfey’s prison, Ella cannot fail. Roleplaying Ella You are strong and energetic, able to suppress your inner strife while you plunge into perilous dungeons. You are extremely protective of your family and clan, even though you try to seem carefree. You have become a real adventurer’s adventurer and like to maintain that reputation. When no one is around to see, though, you weep for the lives of your brother and sister and vow silently to do whatever is necessary for their release. Nothing in the world matters more to you, and you will take any steps to see them home once more. Once they’re safe, though, you might well jump right back into the adventuring life. Creating Ella Ella is emboldened by the warlock powers bestowed upon her through the Green Man’s fey pact. With the halfling’s optional Charisma bonus, the deceptive warlock build from the Player’s Handbook is the best choice. If you choose to play Ella, you can have her belong to another race with strong family bonds, such as dwarf, gnome, or svirfneblin. Such a choice would require some changes to the circ*mstances of her quest and possibly involve a different class choice. UNDERDARK ENVOY “The dungeon you’re heading into is inhabited. This expedition needs a face—and frankly, yours won’t do.” The Underdark is a dangerous place, and not just for the horrors that lurk in the darkness. The cities and enclaves that dot its murky caverns are hotbeds of spite and political intrigue. To survive for long in such societies, you have to know how to play the game. Physical prowess is no match for the wits of a skilled diplomat. The great city-states of the Underdark were first established as collections of tribes with a shared need for survival. As the centuries rolled by, these settlements developed into self-sufficient communities and grew into nations. Their growth was aided by individuals who could seek out and interact with the other city-states to establish lines of communication. These representatives grew experienced at dealing with the different Underdark races and became expert diplomats and negotiators. Playing an Underdark Envoy The power of persuasion can be a mighty weapon against any would-be foe. Underdark rulers have a vested interest in having the best envoys around. They appreciate the power of a well-placed rumor and greatly value those who, like you, can best advise them how to plant it. With a well-placed word, an envoy could single-handedly take down an entire community. In addition, constant political wars require specialized agents who can act as both messengers and spies. As an Underdark envoy, you have trained within your city-state to refine your diplomatic skills, according to the houses and organizations that depend on your abilities. You spend much of your time studying the cultures of the various races you deal with, as well as the intricacies of interracial politics. Delivering a message in an unsatisfactory way during a crucial negotiation could severely damage an employer’s plans. Building an Underdark Envoy You might become an Underdark envoy if you delight in political intrigue, spying, and social maneuvering. Many successful political leaders were once envoys, whether due to merit and ability, or because they were able to orchestrate the removal of their predecessors. Bards and rogues are natural class choices for this career path, as well as any character who has diplomatic talent, including clerics and warlords. Beings of

26 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers JULIE DILLON a gruff or introverted nature, such as dwarves, rarely become envoys. The drow have mastered the skill of diplomacy over centuries of cutthroat politics, and they have the most capable and dominant envoys in the Underdark. Consider the following story elements when creating your Underdark envoy character. Dark Delegate You are an extension of your master’s will, an instrument to further his or her interests. On returning from a mission, you are expected to relay not only the response of the other party, but also its tone and attitude. The more information you convey to your employer, the greater advantage he or she will enjoy in political power plays and future exchanges. If you are a freelance envoy, not bound to one employer, you seek to make a name for yourself as a neutral third party. In this capacity you manage labor disputes, conduct trade negotiations, and perform similar tasks, commanding a high wage for your services. Yours is a precarious path. You not only deliver communications from your masters, but you also glean whatever information you can while on the job. Anything might give you a crucial advantage in future employment. Thus, you have to be very clever and perceptive, while at the same time appearing inoffensive. This sort of agent works against expectations and can include dwarves, duergar, or svirfneblin. Double Agent A few Underdark envoys serve as double agents for a faction, generally to facilitate the collapse of a powerful political entity. Such people are rare, for the role is exceedingly dangerous, If you became a double agent, you likely received an offer to betray an employer after delivering a message on his or her behalf—along with a suitable financial incentive to secure such services. As a double agent, you remain under cover much of the time while you work on behalf of another entity. You maintain your status within your ostensible employer’s organization while feeding vital information to the other side, revealing yourself only if your activities are found out. In this role, you must be extremely skilled in both providing misinformation to your target and locating other agents who might have infiltrated the organization. You carefully collect information on everything that has been said and done to support your complex web of political scheming. Should you fail, you’re likely to end up dead in some dark alleyway or Underdark corridor. Why do you take such risks? Was your choice Khiira, a drow bard and an Underdark envoy

UNDERDARK ENVOY CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers personal, to take revenge on a cruel master, or did you do it just for the money? Mercantile Advantage Not all Underdark envoys are spies or political plotters. You might use your skills to expand your own wealth and that of others by negotiating merchant treaties between powerful cities. Influential members of Underdark communities employ individuals such as yourself to help increase their economic power while protecting their political interests. Sometimes you manipulate markets to help your employer gain a monetary advantage over rivals. Envoys of this sort can come from any Underdark race, and they might even include topsiders who are trusted in their dealings with those below. You could be a former explorer who decided to turn your talents to more profitable interests while still keeping your hand in the adventuring business. Starting Feature An Underdark envoy is first and foremost a master of manipulation. Your well-chosen words unsettle your opponent, leaving it more susceptible to real damage. Benefit: You gain the insidious commentary power. Insidious Commentary Underdark Envoy Attack Your words are disarming to a potential foe and give you just enough of an opportunity to make an effective attack. Encounter ✦ Martial Minor Action Ranged 5 Target: One creature Attack: Charisma + 2 vs. Will Level 11: Charisma + 4 vs. Will Level 21: Charisma + 6 vs. Will Hit: The target grants combat advantage until the end of your next turn, and your next attack against the target this turn deals 1d6 extra damage on a hit. Additional Features Level 5 Feature You understand the cultures of the Underdark better than most. You use this talent to your advantage whenever you are below. Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to Bluff checks and Diplomacy checks. Level 10 Feature You are fully integrated into the market system of the Underdark and appreciate the subtlety of its inner workings. Benefit: Add Deep Speech to the languages you can speak, read, and write. You also gain a +2 power bonus to Streetwise checks. Optional Powers Underdark envoys must keep their attention focused whenever dealing with others, and they use a unique set of skills to be successful in their line of work. You can choose one of the following powers instead of one given as a class or race option. Level 2 Utility Power Sometimes the secret to good diplomacy is knowing when to exploit a social situation to get the drop on enemies. Doing so might not be honorable, but it keeps you and your friends alive. Practiced Herald Underdark Envoy Utility 2 You and your allies are not greeted with hostility, and thus you find a way to take advantage of a momentary lapse in your enemy’s defenses. Encounter ✦ Martial Minor Action Close burst 5 Target: You and each ally in the burst Effect: Until the end of your next turn, each target gains a +1 power bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. IT’S BETTER TO GIVE For an envoy, bestowing a proper gift can quickly build a connection with the leaders of a city or group. The trick is to offer something that has greater value among that group than it does elsewhere. Dwarves and svirfneblin both desire gems and precious metals. Svirfneblin have simpler tastes and accept uncut stones, but the pride of dwarves is insulted by such basic treasures. They prefer to receive artistic items crafted in the styles of different cultures. They’ll sneer and deem these items inferior, too, but at least they’re inferior and novel. Kobolds are pathetically delighted by just about any gift—so rarely do they receive any—but bringing them dragon relics really earns their loyalty. Dragon scales or teeth appeal most to them. Statues or other representations of dragons pique their interest, too. Goblins prefer simple pleasures: food, drink, and nasty weaponry. Drow want slaves. A great many envoys object to slavery, though, so they instead offer items they claim were stolen from elves. Drow also accept monetary gifts, which they prefer in the form of silver coins. Beholders shoot first and ask questions later as a rule. Those who do accept gifts enjoy seeing their own likenesses. The simple, blind grimlocks take anything that has an interesting texture. They’re unreliable allies at best, though. o n De l ver s burst 5 urst turn, each target gains a damage rolls, and saving 27 g

28 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers Level 6 Utility Power Sometimes darkness is not enough of a cover for your activities. Learning some of the magic of the drow, you can make yourself literally disappear for a short time. Cloak and Dagger Underdark Envoy Utility 6 You vanish from the vision of those around you. Daily ✦ Arcane, Illusion Move Action Personal Effect: You become invisible until the end of your next turn. If you attack, the effect ends, and if you move, you cannot sustain it. Sustain Minor: The invisibility persists until the end of your next turn. Level 10 Utility Power A swift word can be better than a swift sword. You have learned how to defuse a situation quickly. When you speak about the virtues of cooperation, you can command a large audience. Pacifying Presence Underdark Envoy Utility 10 Your soothing tone lulls your enemies into hesitation. Daily ✦ Charm Free Action Close burst 10 Trigger: You and your enemies roll initiative. Target: Each enemy that can hear and understand you in the burst Effect: Each target takes a –10 penalty to its initiative check. Sample Underdark Envoy: Khiira “No harm was intended, I’m sure. Now just take the dagger from my companion’s throat, darling, and we’ll talk alone.” The life of an Underdark envoy is perilous, but never more so than for a drow who has spurned her house. Khiira did what she thought she must to survive, but she pays the price every time she draws breath. Origin Story Khiira never let her status as seventh daughter stop her ambition. Anyone else in her position might have had her life cut short with a one-way trip to the sacrificial altar, or been forced to spawn draegloths. Khiira survived by talking her way out of any dire situation. Her mother, one of Lolth’s nastier priestesses, recognized her daughter’s talents and thought to use them to her advantage. Before she could become another weapon in her mother’s arsenal, though, Khiira chose her own path. She cultivated the acquaintance of Riellenzen, who acted as an envoy to a duergar outpost about ten miles away, and soon became his consort. Khiira played her part well. She seduced the diplomat, earned his trust, and then, en route to the outpost, stuck a knife in his throat. Riellenzen’s guards did not realize their master was dead until the party arrived and Khiira announced herself as the envoy. The guards dared not expose her lest the duergar take offense, so they played along. Khiira managed to negotiate a trade agreement with the infernal dwarves and earned their help, if not their friendship. She sent the drow guards back to her city with a letter explaining the terms and also Riellenzen’s tragic end, and then she slipped away to the surface to escape what she believed was certain retribution. Suspicion and hostility met Khiira at almost every turn in the upper world. Few people were willing to deal with a dark elf, for fear of opening their doors to drow legions. So, Khiira found other ways to put her talents to good use. She joined a few Underdark caravans, lending her expertise in the subterranean peoples and their language to help the merchants negotiate deals and gain safe passage. She gained a reputation for being someone in the know about Underdark folk and won a place in an adventuring group. She maintains as low a profile as she can, using false identities and disguise to stay a step ahead of the assassins she is sure her mother and Riellenzen’s family have sent. Her caution might have been dismissed as paranoia—until her party was attacked by Lolthbound goblins. That encounter shook her enough that she now spares no effort to hide her trail. Values and Motivations For Khiira, it’s all about gaining the advantage, over any drow pursuers or anyone else she deals with. She walks a delicate line between earning a reputation as a negotiator and keeping a low profile. She hopes above all to one day be free of pursuit and to live as she wishes, but she knows how unrealistic such an expectation is. Honeyed words and a ready blade are the tools of her trade. She is coldly calculating in all her dealings, but her expertise with a rapier makes her more than capable in combat if things come to that. Roleplaying Khiira You take great pleasure in your work, despite the constant danger. You come across as seductive yet coy, but you employ a sardonic manner of speech when not buttering up a potential contact. You always wear a crimson cloak over your chainmail—a color associated with your house—as your only concession to your origin. Your winning smile hides the constant terror just below the surface. Creating Khiira Khiira is a drow bard who is unparalleled in her profession. If you choose to play her, you might instead make her a rogue, a ranger, or a hybrid incorporating two of those classes. Alternatively, she could multiclass in ranger or fighter.

29UNDERDARK OUTCAST CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers ERIC BELISLE UNDERDARK OUTCAST “I have nothing left to rely on but myself.” A lone figure, haggard and lean, scrambles through the tunnel as he peers fearfully over his shoulder. He bears marks of shame—scars from lashes and manacles, bruises, brands. Behind lies his home, from which he has been exiled forever. A pained look crosses his face before it is replaced by a determined grimace. The Underdark is not kind to the weak. Underdark outcasts did not start out as subterranean vagabonds. Some were proud members of their underground society, exemplars of their race’s customs or beliefs. They might have been dwarf artisans in the service of a king, or tribal warriors amid chanting goblin hordes. Something happened to disrupt their existence and drive them from their communities. Perhaps they committed a crime or dishonored the family name, or became disgusted by their people’s ways. Whatever the reason, they have been cast into the depths to live or die as fate wills. Underdark outcasts wander far from the place of their disgrace in search of a new life. Usually hated by members of their own society, they must rely on their own wits or the kindness of strangers to survive. Most remain underground out of habit, it being their birthplace, but others deliberately venture to surface realms—though they rarely find refuge there. Playing an Underdark Outcast Everything was taken away when you were banished into the depths. If you can adapt to your new reality, you can survive and become self-reliant; if not, you will be an easy meal for a lurking predator. You have become as hard and relentless as the environment that created you. Even the lowliest goblin outcast has faced challenges that would make surface dwellers quake in fear. As an outcast, you might live your whole life in the deep wilderness, whether as a hermit eking out a lonely existence or a mercenary hiring your sword or skill to explorers. Underdark outcasts are among the toughest individuals to be found in dungeons, and you make it your business to stay that way. Your enforced solitude, shouldering the burden of shame or dishonor, has made you a sullen loner. In your heart, though, you crave to belong to something, and you seek out folk like yourself. Some outcasts shun the company of others, but you cannot bear the emptiness of the cruel caverns forever. As you brood on the events that led to your exile, you might wonder Korag, a dwarf barbarian and an Underdark outcast

30 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers what you could have done differently. The wilds close in around you, and that the only thing that can help you now is courage. Building an Underdark Outcast Underdark outcasts come from races dwelling underground, such as dwarves, goblins, or svirfneblin. Many belong to folk who get a hostile reception from surface dwellers. They might be of any class or alignment, united only in their common disgrace. Your unique background inspires your personality, class, feat, and power selection. When creating an Underdark outcast, consider the following story elements. Disgraced Exile Behind every Underdark outcast is a story, though it never ends well. You are defined by the circ*mstances that led to your banishment. The nature of your transgression varies wildly depending on your race and culture. Dwarves, with their emphasis on duty to the clan and personal honor, expel those who fail to live up to their responsibilities—a traumatic experience for any dwarf. Monstrous races, such as kobolds or orcs, are more likely to cast out one of their own because of a petty or violent disagreement, with the outcast the loser. The nature of your disgrace affects the way you interact with others in a group, especially if members of your race are among them. What were the events of your exile? Were you a petty criminal, punished for your crimes? Did you break a dire social taboo, robbing you not only of home but of your dignity as well? Perhaps you betrayed someone important or failed to honor an agreement. Whatever your crime, why were you exiled rather than punished some other way? The consequences of your banishment matter as well. Maybe you had to leave behind a promising life or something of importance, such as an estate or family. Consider also how your exile has changed you. Are you filled with bitterness and hate, plotting revenge against those who hurt you? Did you go as far away as possible and never look back? Maybe you were falsely judged or made a mistake you regret. Your circ*mstances might motivate you to undertake a quest to clear your name or undo a wrong. Outcast by Choice Some Underdark outcasts leave their homes willingly. Such a choice is most common among evil Underdark societies, such as those of drow or kobolds. Once in a great while, circ*mstances can force one of their number to rise above the rest. Striking out into the deep caverns alone took uncommon courage, but you were driven by your convictions. As a youngster, did you realize that there was something different about you? Perhaps your peers fought and cursed at each other while you were busy thinking. You might have been something of a social revolutionary, trying to drag your incorrigible folk out of their petty ways. How were your efforts viewed by your kind? Did some of these ideas start to catch on, challenging your chief’s rule? You might have had no choice but to ostracize yourself; perhaps you are being hunted through the tunnels around your home. Starting Feature You can never go back. As you brood on the events that led to your exile, you might wonder what you could have done differently. The wilds close in around you, and the only thing that can help you now is courage. You are used to being a lone wanderer in the depths, and you rely only on yourself for survival. Benefit: You gain the alone and unafraid power. Alone and Unafraid Underdark Outcast Utility Although you crave companionship, you have learned to survive without anyone at your side. Encounter ✦ Martial Minor Action Personal Requirement: You must be at least 5 squares away from your allies. Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +2 power bonus to attack rolls and all defenses. REASONS FOR EXILE Given the variety of Underdark cultures, the reasons for being exiled are equally numerous. Here are some crimes for which exile is the usual punishment. Drow: Consorting with slaves, blasphemy against Lolth, conspiracy against the leader of a conclave, dealing with devils or elves. (Such crimes are punishable by death, so drow who commit them usually choose exile before they are caught.) Dwarves: Disobedience to a superior, dereliction of duty, cowardice in battle. Goblins: A prank gone awry, overpopulation, a failed assassination attempt. Kobolds: Blasphemy against Tiamat or a dragon, leading enemies back to the warren, setting a trap that caused kobold casualties. Orcs or Half-Orcs: Physical weakness, seeking peace or diplomacy. Svirfneblin: Theft, bringing shame to the family, unsafe or unsanctioned exploration or mining, repeated refusal of expected duties. p p

31UNDERDARK OUTCAST CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers Additional Features Level 5 Feature Being alone in the Underdark forces the outcast to become resilient and resourceful. Finding food and shelter becomes an everyday struggle, as does enduring the rugged caverns without assistance. Underdark outcasts learn to get by, or perish. Your time spent wandering the Underdark as an outcast has given you a practical knowledge of underground survival. Furthermore, you are used to disease, starvation, and exposure. Benefit: You gain a +2 power bonus to Dungeoneering checks and Endurance checks. Level 10 Feature Having survived the wilds for so long, an outcast becomes toughened to even the most extreme long-term punishment. Whether made hard through physical ordeals or driven by a strong sense of self-confidence, you can go longer, farther, and deeper than any other dungeon delver. Benefit: Whenever you spend a healing surge to regain hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to 2 + your Constitution modifier (5 + your Constitution modifier at 21st level). Optional Powers Even though Underdark outcasts might find companionship among dungeon explorers, many carry the weight of their exile for the rest of their days. Some of them lament the events that led to their exile, never letting go of their shame. Others embrace their banishment as a badge of honor, their bitterness and resentment giving them new strength. Level 2 Utility Power Haunted by dishonor, many Underdark outcasts brood on the unfairness of their exile. Some let themselves wither away from this guilt, but others turn it into an affirmation. Cast off disgrace lets you negate a past failure so that you can excel in the future. Cast off Disgrace Underdark Outcast Utility 2 Though you shoulder the burden of failure, you promise yourself it won’t happen again. Encounter ✦ Martial No Action Personal Trigger: You miss with an attack roll or fail a skill check or a saving throw. Effect: Before the end of your next turn, you can reroll a single attack roll, skill check, or saving throw, but not the triggering one. You must use the new result. Level 6 Utility Power Many Underdark outcasts live for years alone, scraping together sustenance. Even though you are in a group now, your sense of self-preservation still comes in handy. Self-Reliant Underdark Outcast Utility 6 Your ally gives a revitalizing healing effect to another, knowing that you are capable of fending for yourself. Encounter ✦ Healing, Martial Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: An ally within 5 squares of you is the target of a healing power that does not heal you. Effect: You spend a healing surge. Level 10 Utility Power Used to lurking at the fringes of societies, an Underdark outcast is expert at avoiding notice in time to escape danger. If you’re quick enough, slink away will get you out of range of an enemy attack. Slink Away Underdark Outcast Utility 10 You skulk to safety just before your enemy uses a powerful area attack. Encounter ✦ Martial Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: You are hit by a close or area attack. Effect: You shift up to your speed. Sample Underdark Outcast: Korag the Clanless “This expedition will finance my passage to Cor Talcor. Should you think I do this only for coin, you insult my people—though they disown me.” Among the dwarf clans, no crime is worse than abandoning one’s comrade to death in the Underdark—and no punishment is worse than exile. For any dwarf, the burden of dishonor is an unbearable weight. For Korag, first son of the chief and the clan’s most courageous warrior, the outcast’s collar weighs heaviest of all. The blood of his clan is on his hands, and the mark of the outcast will forever be on his brow. Origin Story The proud son of Beltag the Dutiful, clan chief of Barduum, Korag distinguished himself from his fellow warriors and tunnel wardens through unfailing courage and battle prowess. Beltag groomed his son to be his heir and to lead the clan deeper inside the mountains to coax gemstone and gold from the unyielding depths. Although smitten with the lust for riches that affects his people, Korag believed mining was a task better suited to lesser dwarves. He saw himself as a great warrior who would lead his fellows to reclaim their primacy in the world. So when his father assigned him to watch over the workers in the

32 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers WAYNE REYNOLDS deep tunnels and patrol the nearby halls, he bristled. Where was the glory in being a guard? Despite his protestations, though, he knew enough not to argue with his father, and so he went into the Underdark to do as he was told. Guard duty proved as dull as he had anticipated, and Korag chafed at what he felt was meaningless work—especially when reports reached him about orcs in the nearby mountains. To break the tedium, he befriended other dwarf warriors. One night, after swapping kegs and boasts, Korag talked the group into going orc hunting. The dwarves exited the mines and hunted down and slaughtered a number of orcs. They triumphantly returned to Barduum— only to find, to their horror, that the holdfast had been attacked in their absence. While Korag and his fellows were out hunting orcs, grimlock slavers had came up through secret ways, slaughtering the miners and nearly one-third of the clan. Beltag confronted his son, demanding to know where he had been. Korag admitted his failure and took the blame for the warriors who went with him. He vowed to recover the abducted dwarves, but his father would not listen. Instead, he commanded the priests to shave and brand his son before the surviving clan and then cast him out for the rest of his days. Ever since, Korag has wandered alone, bearing his shame in silence while fighting to redeem himself. Values and Motivations Korag wants more than anything to be accepted by his people, but the marks of shame that he carries will forever label him as a clanless exile. Dwarves shun him, viewing him as an animal or worse. Korag’s faith in himself has been rocked by this treatment, and he struggles with feelings of resentment toward his people, which only adds to his shame. He craves acceptance and mutual respect among a group of brave companions. Korag also longs to do something to redeem himself in his people’s eyes. To accomplish this he has set a course for Cor Talcor, the fabled Fortress of Grudges (see page 69). Korag hopes that the ruthless warmasters of Cor Talcor will give him the training and discipline to perform the heroic deeds needed to reclaim his lost honor. Roleplaying Korag You are outwardly proud, determined, and intense. Under the surface, though, you are a desolate soul tormented by the guilt of failure, though you would never show this side to your companions. You were raised to believe that strength and honor are everything, but your exile has tested both to the limit. You cling to the hope that you can one day return to your clan, but you know deep down that you will never live down the dishonor. You do everything you can to push these thoughts from your mind, usually by throwing yourself into whatever needs doing. Creating Korag Korag’s deep respect for his people and desire for redemption govern his actions. Growing up a in a noble family has given him the poise and martial training suited to the warlord class. If you choose to play Korag, you could instead make him a svirfneblin or a goliath—both peoples with strong community ties. Changing Korag’s class will give him a different feel. As a paladin, he might be driven by shame to perform heroic deeds; on the other hand, he could be a rogue, demonstrating his fall from proud warrior to slinking outcast. FOR THE DM: THEMES FROM OTHER SOURCES This book capitalizes on the themes that have been presented here in various ways in later chapters. If a character has a theme from another source, you can still use the ideas from later sections of Into the Unknown by associating the character’s theme with one from this book. Alternatively, you can devise a way that the character’s existing theme relates to dungeon delving. The alchemist from Dragon 399 can search for rare ingredients and the secret mixtures of races that dwelt underground, making elements associated with the lore hunter theme appropriate. The animal master from the same issue might seek to train subterranean beasts and is a good match to the deep delver. If characters from the Neverwinter Campaign Setting delve under the earth, some of the themes are excellent fits to those you’ll find here. The heir of Delzoun could be associated with the deep delver. The Dead Rat deserter might be associated with the treasure hunter or trapsmith. The Bregan D’aerthe spy works well if associated with the Underdark envoy theme or perhaps the Underdark outcast. Even themes that originate far from any dungeon or cave can be used with material here if you put a creative twist on the concept. The dune trader from the Dark Sun Campaign Setting might be sent to make mercantile contact with those who live beneath the sands, making elements designed for both the Underdark envoy and deep delver appropriate. An Uthgardt barbarian from the Neverwinter Campaign Setting might have escaped the captivity of a mind flayer, making a character with that theme a good fit with the bloodsworn or the escaped thrall.

33 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers The glow of a lantern reveals the aftermath of a struggle on the stairway

34 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers Races Numerous races call the Underdark and its dungeons home, though many of them are monstrous or hostile. Their distinct ways of life are adapted to the harsh realities of underground existence. Though they are viewed with suspicion or hatred by other races, these dungeon dwellers can be every bit as heroic as their surface-dwelling counterparts. Goblin: Pint-sized rascals that infest dungeons the world over, goblins are endlessly curious. Kobold: Small and weak, kobolds depend on their traps and each other to survive in the Underdark. Svirfneblin: Many believe these mysterious Underdark gnomes to be only a fable. GOBLIN Pint-sized rascals known throughout the world for their spitefulness and thievery Racial Traits Average Height: 3´4˝–3´8˝ Average Weight: 40–55 lb. Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity; +2 Wisdom or +2 Charisma Size: Small Speed: 6 squares Vision: Low-light vision Languages: Common, Goblin Skill Bonuses: +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth Goblin Reflexes: You gain a +1 racial bonus to Reflex. Goblin Tactics: You have the goblin tactics power. Goblin Tactics Goblin Utility You avoid your enemy’s blow and cleverly dodge away. At-Will Immediate Reaction Personal Trigger: An enemy misses you with a melee attack. Effect: You shift 1 square. The image of puny, nose-picking, knife-wielding goblins is common throughout the world. Most adventurers believe in a keen sword and room to swing as the best way to deal with them. Goblins might be the most numerous humanoids in the world, with a reputation for infesting every dank hole and tormenting the countryside with never-ending raids, violence, and maniacal scheming. The majority of them are rapacious and vile, but some have the intellect and attitude to join the ranks of heroes. Though they might face prejudice, goblins can be independent, cunning, and crafty adventurers. Goblins are highly social creatures, dwelling in tightly packed warrens with hundreds if not thousands of individuals. Individual goblins are weak, but early on, each strives to be king of the hill. Goblins become surprisingly willful by competing with their peers, maturing—for better or for worse—when they can assert themselves. A goblin sees itself as cunning and dangerous, even if it is the wimpiest member of the warren. Such independence borders on arrogance, but it prompts a goblin to attempt daring actions that larger races would think twice about. A goblin finds a sense of itself from the time it begins life as a crawling, biting infant. Goblin mothers give birth to litters numbering around a dozen, giving the youngsters plenty of siblings to interact and compete with. Juveniles possess an impulsive curiosity that makes them crawl into every cranny of the warren, always craving the new and undiscovered. Most are noisy and selfish, demanding attention by forcing their way into every activity. Upon adulthood, most goblins find that they are good only at hurting or stealing things. Exceptional individuals develop a knack for leadership, crafting, navigation, problem solving, or other valuable skills— even magic. Goblins take immense pride in their talents, even if it’s just a honed ability to knife people in the back. Practicing a skill gives them an identity within the community, which in turn makes them feel important or useful. Goblins love to brag and get attention; they are instigators who poke and prod at anything to get a reaction. In the warrens, they behave like petulant brats, vandalizing, insulting, hitting, or whining to be noticed. This need for attention might explain their kind’s violent attacks on the other races of the world. After all, what better way to get someone’s attention than by attacking their homes? Countless raids and wars have been committed by goblins to satisfy this impulse, but the smart ones realize that this sort of behavior won’t get them far if they wish to interact with others in any meaningful way. Independent goblins, especially those who leave their warrens to become adventurers, have learned to tone down their selfishness. Though not nearly so crude or vicious as others of their kind, they are nonetheless rascals at heart. Curious to the point of recklessness, yet cunning enough to escape many dangers, goblin adventurers embody the best of their kind’s adaptability. Their companions might have to put up with nonstop chattering or poor hygiene, but they can be trusted friends eager to take in all the danger and excitement the adventuring life has to offer.

35GOBLIN CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers CRAIG J SPEARING Physical Qualities Goblins stand just over 3 feet tall, with wiry frames that resemble those of human children. Sometimes humorous, sometimes frightening, each goblin’s features are unique and often reflect its personality. Some goblins have long hooked noses and pointy ears, while others have exaggerated fangs or eyes that seem to bug out of their faces. Most goblins have knobby joints and skinny limbs, though a few are flabby or even roly-poly. Their skin tone ranges from bright greens and oranges to dark, earthy browns. Some are hairless, with oily hides, while others are covered in mangy hair from brow to back. Many goblins ignore hygiene and are accompanied by an ever-present stink. Some even take pride in their disgusting habits. Goblins wear whatever is available, usually incorporating small trinkets, trophies, or interesting things they’ve stolen in their travels. These objects usually seem weird or pointless to others, who don’t understand the value goblins place in these treasures. A goblin’s clothes are a patchwork of different materials stitched together over the course of years. Its equipment is usually rusty or ramshackle but serviceable, thanks to goblin-kind’s innate knack for tinkering. In theory a goblin’s life span is equal to that of humans, but most goblins come to an early end because of their unbridled curiosity. Attitudes and Beliefs In matters of belief in specific deities, following codes of conduct, or showing loyalty to a leader, goblins quickly get bored and move on. They are motivated by novelties, be they stolen treasures or new sights and sounds, or even bodily sensations unique or bizarre. Goblins live for sensation, going out of their way to explore, open, prod, taste, or rub up against new things—often to the disgust of non-goblin companions. Goblins’ perceptiveness is curiously selective. They might not notice hidden traps or monsters, but they latch onto weird old graffiti, bits of rotten food, scraps of ruined scrolls, and other interesting rubbish. Living in an overpopulated warren teaches goblins that quantity is more important than quality. A goblin would pass over one great treasure to grab a whole bunch of baubles. Goblin curiosity also drives them to pilfer and plunder. They carry out raids and burglaries so they can acquire new things to take back to the warren. However, goblins don’t covet in the conventional sense. Few maintain ownership of an item or value Small but endlessly curious, goblins can be stouthearted adventurers

36 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers the trinkets they’ve collected. They simply take what interests them at the moment, then discard it and move on to the next. Their warrens are cluttered messes, overflowing with everything from golden treasure to shiny rocks. Many goblins are consummate schemers, concocting plans of startling complexity that they hope will generate excitement or riches. Though few goblins are book-smart, their devious minds can outpace those of other folk. Goblins rarely think in ways that are linear or even logical. They love investigating weird possibilities, improbable outcomes, and unlikely courses of action. Such scheming sometimes triggers calamities that cascade like dominos—much to the goblins’ delight. Goblins have few orthodox beliefs, but they love to create myths, rituals, and laws—most of which are arbitrary. They imitate anything they think is neat, such as some newly discovered custom of a nearby culture, although the original intent is usually lost in translation or warped to suit goblin ends. Isolated goblin tribes in the deep wilds might hear the call of the primal spirits, though they might envision those spirits as unpleasant or slimy, such as Ska’nug the Skunk or Blhorgg the Whelk. Goblin Communities Goblins are found in any climate, at any altitude, in any environment, and at any distance from the settlements of other races. Their ability to adapt and thrive is second only to that of humans, and goblin wanderlust—combined with their speedy life cycle—encourages rapid expansion into new realms. They are tenacious, finding a way to sneak into any place they can exploit, from dungeon caves to sewers beneath the streets of a human city. Regardless of where goblins dwell, they prefer cozy underground quarters. Only the smartest are any good at creating new homes, so most goblin tribes are more like squatters, taking advantage of an empty lair or even bullying out an original resident. The goblins quickly turn their usurped warren into a cluttered, stinking, crowded mess, filled to the brim with stolen trinkets from the surrounding countryside. Some rooms might have a single purpose—such as larders, armories, or meeting places—but to an outsider a goblin warren is an undifferentiated mass of junk and chattering, filthy bodies. Signs that a goblin settlement is nearby are obvious. Trails of litter or graffiti surround the warren, and goblins’ typically poor treatment of their environment makes their territory easy to identify. However, finding the entrance to the warren is another matter. Goblins post guards at all times, and they use small entrances that bigger creatures have trouble squeezing through. They are quick to rally when they have a tough leader to bully them into order, but they don’t follow blindly. When serious danger arises, goblins prefer to slink away through one of the warren’s numerous exits and plan a counterattack. Goblins are also known for keeping the company of a variety of beasts with which they have a natural affinity. Bigger creatures, such as wolves or carrion crawlers, join goblin raiding parties. Rats, bats, and snakes serve as spies or distractions. Regardless of the beast’s use, it’s treated like a beloved pet, not just a tool. Goblins bond with their creatures, and if one dies, its master is distraught. A goblin might care more about the well-being of its pet than it does about that of other goblins. Goblin Adventurers A goblin’s natural curiosity, cunning, and explorative spirit lends itself well to the adventuring life. Many goblins are drawn to the excitement that comes with battling monsters, rescuing grateful victims, and bathing in plundered loot—anything that gets them attention. Of course, interacting with other people demands that a goblin at least partially put aside its natural tendency toward pettiness and violence. With the right guidance, a goblin can be a hero. Rogue Goblins are such stereotypical rogues that envisioning them as anything else takes effort. Motivated by thievery, antics, and adventure, goblin rogues use their diverse skills and craftiness to get into secret places. These troublemakers go out of their way to discover dangerous things to overcome, as well to befuddle folk of other races who underestimate their cunning. Goblin rogues might not possess the stature or presence of their companions, but they get their hands on the best loot. Assassin For goblin assassins, killing isn’t just a means to an end—it’s the fun part. They enjoy dispatching targets in novel ways. Playing with different poisons and weapons keeps a goblin assassin from losing interest. As long as it has something new to kill or a new way to do so, it is ruthlessly efficient in its task. A routine murder, though, isn’t likely to be worth a goblin assassin’s time regardless of the pay. Wizard Magic looks really fun to young goblins, and some of them search for ways to learn those neat tricks. No goblin warren has a wizard school, so such arcane aspirants must teach themselves through trial and error. (Not many survive the process.) A goblin wizard usually relies on a couple of standby spells but continually switches up the others when preparing for the day. Big, explosive effects and tricky illusions that fool people or move them around really pique goblins’ interest. They also are fascinated by magical

37GOBLIN CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers JESPER EJSING creatures. Most goblin wizards have familiars, and they’re big fans of the “summon a big monster and run away” school of spellcasting. Bard Given the goblins’ love for ribald antics and revelry, a bardic lifestyle is a natural choice. Being adventurers gives goblin bards the best opportunity to spread their brand of shenanigans to the uptight folk of other races. They are often more buffoon than inspiration, replacing song and poetry with lewd rhymes or slapstick comedy. Such bards should not be underestimated, though: Their cunning, feistiness, and occasional mean streak make them dangerous to cross. Roleplaying a Goblin When creating a goblin adventurer, here are a few points to consider. You’re a sociable scoundrel. Though goblins don’t exactly look out for each other, they gain a feeling of independence and security when around their peers. Your adventuring companions might fill the social void left since you departed the warren. Their presence gives you the chance to brag and demonstrate your usefulness. You are self-reliant enough to survive the dangers of the world, but showing off when others are around to see is much more fun. You’re tricksy. Goblins are fiendishly sneaky. Few races can prowl or scheme as well as these pintsized scoundrels, and even fewer can string together bluffs with such casual ease. You might spend most of your time lurking behind the legs of your allies or in the shadows just out of sight. On the other hand, you might also constantly tell outrageous fibs or exaggerated war stories to make yourself and your encounters sound more interesting. You crave new experiences. Goblins live for the novel. You’re at your happiest when reveling in some new treasure, food, or sensation—even unpleasant ones. This desire encourages goblins to go out into the world, exploring and touching anything they can. You might be obsessed with a particular type of object or feeling, or you might have left the tribe out of curiosity over what lies beyond the next horizon. Either way, you are likely the first of your party to handle new items or prod something best left undisturbed. You have a bad reputation. The rest of the world sees goblins as pests and villains—with good reason. The majority of your kind deserves their bad reputation, and facing discrimination will be a constant challenge. You might be an enlightened goblin doing your best to show that not all of your kind is evil. Perhaps you are as untrustworthy as the majority of your folk, but tempered somewhat by the influence of your adventuring companions. For a goblin bard, it’s all about audience appeal A FRIENDLY GAME OF CARDS WITH GOBLINS As told by Seth the Shark I guess it was about six years back. The goblins wanted to kill us, the kobolds wanted to kill us, the goblins and the kobolds wanted to kill each other, and we’d lost half our supplies in the night because our hireling got careless. I tried a big gamble when I said, “Let’s settle this over a game of cards.” So there I am, dealt into a game of Three-Dragon Ante with the goblin chief ’s brother and a kobold who the big dragon licked once or something. My life is literally on the line, but I’m ahead after a color flight and a timely Bahamut draw. I can see this goblin getting antsy, and he keeps moving his hand toward his pocket. I’m sure he’s got a good card tucked away and is just waiting for the right hand to play it in. As much as I don’t want to let him cheat, I’m afraid if I call him out the other goblins will start firing. The kobold doesn’t even seem to notice. Then the goblin gets that hand he’s been looking for, and I see his hand slip into his pocket. I hear this snap, and he pulls his hand out again really fast. His fingers are all mangled and bloody, stuck in a tiny little beartrap-looking thing. The kobold starts tittering to itself. To my surprise, all the other goblins have a pretty good laugh at their buddy’s expense. Then they called off the game and the whole gang had a celebratory feast. I was sick for days after that. The lessons? Never cheat a kobold, and never eat a goblin’s food. g

38 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers DAVE ALLSOP Goblin Characteristics: Adaptable, boastful, curious, crude, humorous, impressionable, instigating, reactionary, sneaky, willful Goblin Male Names: Floo, Grot, Grub, Itch, Rort, Splik, Snag, Splug, Squintch, Zix Goblin Female Names: Borb, Fee, Flert, Gretch, Gyik, Nibb, Nyx, Pinch, Pook, Wort Goblin Tribal Names: Batbiter, Frog-Gagger, Grumblegut, Ratskinner, Stinkdrinker Goblin Feats The diminutive goblins don’t let their size and low place in the dungeon pecking order get them down. They learn from childhood that they need to be tricky and tenacious to survive. Ankle Biter Many things are bigger than goblins—many dangerous things. You learn from infancy how to get in every little attack you can against those big brutes. Prerequisite: Goblin Benefit: You gain a +1 feat bonus to damage rolls against creatures larger than you. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and to +3 at 21st level. Also, when you score a critical hit against a creature larger than you, the creature takes 1d6 extra damage. Desperate Goblin Tactics Panic takes over when you’re near death, and you rush away from the fray even faster than usual. Prerequisite: Goblin, goblin tactics racial power Benefit: When you use goblin tactics while bloodied, you can shift up to 2 extra squares. Goblin Feint The big folk think they can smash a little goblin easily. You know how to use their mistakes against them by sneaking past their guard when they try to attack you. Prerequisite: Goblin, goblin tactics racial power Benefit: When you use goblin tactics, you gain combat advantage against the enemy that missed you until the end of your next turn. Shadowcreeper When you dash away from an attack, you take to the shadows. A dash through the darkness leaves you protected in shadow and better set up to strike. Prerequisite: Goblin, assassin, goblin tactics racial power Benefit: When you use goblin tactics, you can shift 1 extra square, and you gain partial concealment until the end of your next turn. Sneaky Stabber You know how to attack from a low angle to do the most damage to a bigger creature. Being below notice makes it easy to get at vulnerable points. Prerequisite: Goblin, rogue, Sneak Attack feature Benefit: When you deal Sneak Attack damage to a creature adjacent to you, you can reroll any Sneak Attack damage die that results in a 1 until it no longer results in a 1. Wrist Biter When you slip away from an attacker, you can’t help but get in one last jab. Your quick retaliation might not hurt much, but as the old goblin saying goes, “Death by a thousand cuts is the best kind of death.” Prerequisite: Goblin, goblin tactics racial power Benefit: When you use goblin tactics in response to an adjacent enemy’s attack, the enemy takes 1d4 damage right before you shift. This damage increases to 2d4 at 11th level and 3d4 at 21st level. Goblin Utility Powers Every day is a struggle in the dungeon, especially for goblins. Survival is never guaranteed. Goblins interact with other creatures for a chance to beat the odds. They quickly pick up tricks to get ahead, whether from goblins or other dungeon dwellers. To a goblin, size (or lack of it) doesn’t matter

39GOBLIN CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers When your goblin character gains a class utility power after 1st level, you can forgo taking a power granted to you by your class. Instead, you can choose a goblin utility power of the same level or lower. Fast Filch Goblins are nimble and quick, and their deft little fingers make them excellent pickpockets. A team of goblin thieves usually has one member distract the mark so another can quickly snag some valuables. Of course, you never know when your teammate might run off before giving you your cut. Fast Filch Goblin Utility 2 In the blink of an eye, your tiny fingers relieve someone of a few prized possessions. At-Will Minor Action Melee 1 Target: One adjacent creature granting combat advantage to you Effect: You make a Thievery check against the target to pick its pocket or perform sleight of hand. Leg Up Goblin society is like a big game of king of the hill. Life is a scramble to the top, and only the most devious make it. You have to be willing to put others through a little discomfort if you’re going to succeed. Leg Up Goblin Utility 2 By bouncing off or scrabbling up the body of a nearby creature, you fling yourself through the air. Encounter Move Action Personal Requirement: You must be adjacent to a creature. Effect: You jump up to your speed horizontally or up to 10 feet vertically. Little Green Lie Goblin mothers everywhere give the same advice to their litters: The only time to lie is when you don’t know the answer, or telling the truth will get you hurt, or somebody has something you want, or when you can make up another reason. Little Green Lie Goblin Utility 2 At the last moment, you realize the best course of action here is to lie. Encounter Free Action Personal Trigger: You fail a Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check. Effect: You reroll the check. If the triggering check was a Diplomacy or Intimidate check, use your Bluff modifier instead. Living Shield Even adventuring goblins prefer not to get hit if they can avoid it, and they master the ability to quickly find cover behind pillars, boulders, or altars. But what if nothing in the environment can provide cover? Other people soak up attacks just as well. The more considerate goblins redirect enemies only against those who are willing. Living Shield Goblin Utility 6 You dive behind a companion to avoid an attack. Encounter Immediate Interrupt Personal Trigger: An enemy hits you with a melee or ranged attack while you are adjacent to your ally. Effect: You shift 1 square, and the attack hits the ally instead of you. Unwitting Guardian It’s not hard for a little goblin to find a good hiding place. The best places, though, make your enemies look like fools. Creeping between a roper’s loose plates, ducking under a mind flayer’s robes, or clinging to the belly of a big spider is way more fun than standing behind a boring pillar or stalagmite. Unwitting Guardian Goblin Utility 6 You duck under the bulk of one of the big folk, and it keeps you from being seen by the others while you make mischief. Encounter Move Action Melee 1 Target: One adjacent Medium or larger enemy Effect: You shift 1 square into the target’s space. Until the end of your next turn, you can occupy the same space as the target. Additionally, until the end of your next turn or until you and the target no longer share the same space, you are hidden from all creatures except the target. This effect ends immediately after you attack. Down and Through Humans and their sort spend so much effort trying to look tall! The way they hold their chins up high makes slipping past them all the easier. Down and Through Goblin Utility 10 All of a sudden, you’re beneath your clumsy foe and then out the other side. Encounter Move Action Personal Effect: Choose a Medium or larger enemy adjacent to you, and shift up to 5 squares to a different square adjacent to that creature. You can move through that creature’s space during this shift.

40 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers KOBOLD Reptilian tunnel dwellers who stick together to survive Racial Traits Average Height: 36˝–40˝ Average Weight: 60–75 lb. Ability Scores: +2 Constitution; +2 Dexterity or +2 Charisma Size: Small Speed: 6 squares Vision: Darkvision Languages: Common, Draconic Skill Bonuses: +2 Dungeoneering, +2 Thievery Reptile: You are considered a reptile for the purpose of effects that relate to the reptile keyword. Trap Sense: You gain a +2 racial bonus to all defenses against attacks from traps. Shifty Maneuver: You have the shifty maneuver power. Shifty Maneuver Kobold Utility You call on your natural ability to dodge danger, taking your tribemates along for the ride. Encounter Move Action Close burst 2 Target: You and each ally in the burst Effect: Each target can shift 1 square as a free action. Kobolds overrun dungeons and caverns, relying on vast numbers and wicked traps to make up for their deficiencies in size and strength. Their ability to survive among the bigger and tougher monsters of the world shows just how well their tactics have worked. Kobolds gather in large tribes, reproducing quickly to replenish their numbers. Group pressure and the dictates of charismatic leaders compel all members in the community to work together toward whatever ends they need to survive. No matter what an individual kobold feels or believes, the community expects obedience, and every kobold in the tribe tries to behave in the expected way. Some kobolds have good hearts, but their chieftains believe only ruthlessness will keep the tribe strong. Thus most kobold tribes commit evil acts, or at least self-serving ones. Kobolds have few illusions about their place in the world. They are scavengers and thieves. They do not grow their own food and would rather deprive others of their goods than craft anything. They lurk on civilization’s fringes, raiding farmsteads and ambushing caravans. They settle in old ruins and dungeons, choosing places they can readily defend and fortify. Even with their great numbers, kobolds know they cannot hope to protect themselves against a determined attacker. For this reason, most tribes raise monstrous allies for added muscle or give in and become servants of dungeon rulers. Of all the monstrous allies kobolds can make, dragons are best of all. Dragons are everything kobolds are not: enormous, majestic, and powerful. They are gods to the kobolds, their idealized selves, and thus are worthy of worship and service—should any dragon accept the little creatures. Any sign of a dragon sends the tribe into a flurry of activity. The kobolds track it to its lair and present it with sacrifices, pageants, and anything else they think it would like. Of course, a dragon presented with so many willing victims indulges its appetite and gobbles up as many as it can. But death by dragon is no deterrent to the kobolds’ efforts. They see being eaten by a god as a great honor, and clamor for their chance to climb into the dragon’s maw. Older dragons see kobolds as nuisances. A quick blast of a breath weapon suffices to eliminate an infestation. The trouble for the dragon is that the kobolds do not give up and might try to serve in secret even if rejected. Younger dragons, however, might see the advantage in a loyal clan of guards and attendants to protect their hoards and warn of adventurers who come calling. Once a kobold tribe installs itself around a dragon, everything they do serves their god. A kobold’s life is unpleasant to say the least. Very few kobolds live to reach old age. Attrition claims most before they get too far into adulthood. Hunger, thirst, and want are constant companions, and even the dimmest kobolds learn to watch their backs. Kobolds are subject to the same greed as dragons, though far less intense. Most of them keep small stashes of coins or other treasure secret from the tribe, even though they know they’re duty-bound to pool such resources. Kobolds understand that they are stronger together than they are apart. All grudges are forgotten when the tribe faces an outside threat. Kobolds demonstrate surprising cunning when dealing with intruders, as evident in the traps they design to level the playing field. Kobolds’ skill in trapmaking is amazing. With only minimal supplies—mostly junk— they can fashion crafty snares and clever alarms. Even intrepid explorers know that entering a kobold warren invites disfigurement and death. The harsh reality of kobold existence demands absolute obedience to the leader’s demands. Kobolds who lack the killer’s instinct, show any weakness, or disobey orders are shunned and driven to the tribe’s periphery. If not devoured by a passing predator or sacrificed to a bloodthirsty god, such exiles might seek their fortunes beyond the tribe. Survival is by no means assured, but such action at least gives them a chance to survive.

41KOBOLD CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers BEN WOOTTEN Kobolds are survivors first. They are not above prostrating themselves before enemies if it means buying a little time. A lone kobold survivor after a raid, a prisoner, or one otherwise cut off from its fellows must adapt to avoid death. A kobold who was part of an evil tribe might reform its behavior in the presence of others who are willing to guide and support it, and might even find this new “tribe” more comforting than the old one. Such individuals find the adventurer’s life suits them—not because they crave danger or excitement, but because their talents make them useful to other adventurers who protect them in return. Physical Qualities Their spare frames and stooped postures don’t inspire fear in others, which suits kobolds just fine. They would rather look nonthreatening but not quite vulnerable. A few brave kobolds emulate their honored dragons. They put on a little muscle, raise their snouts high, and roar with a ferocity no one would expect such weak-looking creatures to muster. Kobolds’ long muzzles are lined with tiny teeth and lolling tongues similar to those of a dragon or crocodile. Their slitted eyes are usually red, gold, or yellow. Small horns angle backward from a kobold’s brow, and bony barbs stud its forearms to its elbows. Its fingers end in stubby talons, as do its long toes. Fine scales cover a kobold’s body, usually some shade of green. Brown, red, and orange scales appear among particular tribes, as do mottled hides of several colors. Their reptilian anatomy hides kobolds’ physical expressiveness from other races. Their facial construction lacks the anatomy to display the same range of emotions as other humanoids. Kobolds who need to deal with warmbloods develop broad arm and head gestures to convey how they feel. Since kobolds have to make do with what they scavenge, clothing is limited and functional. A loincloth serves the least among them, while warriors cobble together armor from scraps they harvest from the dead. Crude weaponry suffices until they can steal something better. Kobolds grow quickly. They can walk and talk within hours after hatching and reach their full height after about a year. Kobolds can live longer than a century, though very few make it through their first decade. This kobold avoids being skewered by a trap of flying needles as it prepares to strike at what lies ahead

42 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers WILLIAM O’CONNOR Attitudes and Beliefs Kobolds look after the tribe foremost, and they take whatever steps they deem necessary to ensure the community’s survival. The more populous the tribe, the lower the chance any individual will come to harm—even though such large numbers invariably attract attention. Thus, kobolds nurture their eggs in communal nesting grounds to ensure the next generation will preserve their numbers. Even kobolds who leave their tribes retain the instinct to survive and find comrades. An adventuring kobold regards the party as a small tribe and finds a place to contribute to the group’s success. He or she shows an immediate willingness to work within the team, especially if the kobold can tackle a job nobody else in the group is suited for. Even good-aligned kobolds see little point in fighting with honor. A fair fight achieves nothing if you die. Instead, kobolds admire trickery and subterfuge as virtues and deride as foolish any notion of fairness. The best fight to a kobold is one in which no kobold blood is spilled. Kobolds see dragons as living gods and offer sacrifices, prayers, and anything else they find to honor their masters. Their devotion stems from their connection to Tiamat, whom they see as their ultimate goddess and mother to all dragons. Kobolds also worship their ancestors, chief among them being Kurtulmak, a figure thought to be one of Tiamat’s exarchs. Adventuring kobolds never quite escape their devotion to Tiamat and continue to worship her even if doing so is offensive to their new companions. No kobold wants to face the repercussions of angering such a threatening god. Kobold Communities Anyone who examines kobolds’ traps can see their ingenuity in construction, yet kobolds do not raise their own towns or strongholds. Instead, they squat in places other peoples have abandoned. A kobold settlement’s location must be defensible, offer shelter, and provide enough water and food to support the tribe. A typical kobold community includes a large common room where the rank and file gather, cook, and sort through the plunder. Nearby is a temple or shrine dedicated to Tiamat, along with chambers set aside for the high priest, the chieftain, and the most accomplished warriors. These rooms offer privacy for the higher-ups without sacrificing the security of having the rest of the tribe nearby. The passages leading into the warren look safe enough to an outsider, but hidden throughout are all sorts of nasty traps to discourage intruders from venturing too far. Kobolds favor devices that humiliate as much as harm their victims. An adventurer who Kobolds offer a dragon whatever it wants in exchange for its favor

43KOBOLD CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers survives a kobold’s trap usually does not do so with pride intact. The tribe might also use rats, scorpions, slimes, or drakes to help guard their warrens. Kobold tribes not affiliated with dragons freely abandon their lairs if they come under attack. They fight to protect themselves, but should the situation become untenable, they are not above pulling up stakes and settling somewhere else. A dragon’s involvement shores up the tribe’s courage, and kobolds fight with uncommon boldness to protect their god. Kobold Adventurers Adventuring might seem an unlikely occupation for kobolds, but they have several talents that make them well-suited to the life. They can see in the dark, anticipate and avoid traps, and stay a step ahead of their enemies. Kobolds can be useful and effective allies in almost any adventuring group. Very few kobolds become adventurers by choice, however. Some catastrophe must befall them before they traipse off looking for danger. Most take up this life after being captured by adventurers or separated from their tribes. Rogue Growing up in environments where any misstep can bring death, poisoned darts fly with a stumble, and pits bristling with spikes lurk in every corridor, kobolds learn a healthy respect for traps. Familiarity with such hazards, combined with their furtive natures, make kobolds a natural fit for the rogue class. Kobold rogues are among the best at locating and dismantling traps. This talent, combined with their great mobility, makes kobold rogues particularly dangerous. Sorcerer Kobolds have strong arcane traditions, and most who follow those traditions become sorcerers. They like to think that dragon’s blood flows through their veins, and they believe that the best of them can tap into this essence and become like the gods they worship. Most kobold sorcerers choose the path of dragon magic. Warlock A kobold who cannot harness the magic within might seek out other sources of power. Many kobolds make unwise bargains with strange entities, offering their souls to make themselves strong. Most kobold warlocks look to the stars and the beings that reside there for magical power, though they bargain with anything that offers to make them strong. Assassin Kobolds avoid direct confrontation. They employ poison, traps, and ambushes to deal with enemies, all tactics that make them eminently suited to the assassin’s trade. Kobolds rarely become assassins for profit, though most accept payment for their work. Instead, their techniques are natural outgrowths of how kobolds normally fight. Roleplaying a Kobold When creating a kobold adventurer, here are a few points to consider. You know your way around traps. Even if another character handles the task of disarming traps, you know enough about their construction to help dismantle them when they are discovered and avoid them when they attack. Traps fascinate you, and any new device is an opportunity to add a weapon to your arsenal. Don’t pass up opportunities to tackle a trap and, if possible, try to find ways to turn it to your advantage. Fair fights are for suckers. Concepts such as honor, nobility, and fairness make little sense to you. Death comes soon enough without inviting it through some foolish belief. You use trickery and planning to defeat your enemies. You lure them into danger, drawing them into positions where your allies can finish them off. You hit enemies when they’re down, dazed, or otherwise incapacitated. Your survival depends on your willingness to do whatever it takes to win. Dragons are gods. Dragons represent everything kobolds hope to become. Everyone fears them. If dragons are not true gods, they are close enough for you. Encounters with dragons awe you, far beyond the threat they pose. You feel conflicted about fighting dragons and seek a peaceful way out of such an encounter, such as by making an offering or spouting excessive flattery. Should your efforts fail, you still support your allies, but killing the dragon should be the last resort. You know your place. Every kobold in a tribe knows that for the rest to survive, each member must do his or her duty. As an adventuring kobold, you see your companions as your new tribe and search for a way to contribute outside of combat. You might cook meals, mend clothing, or polish armor in addition to fulfilling your role during exploration and combat. You exercise caution. Taking heedless risks can get you killed. Better to be prepared and know what you’re getting yourself into. If you get in over your head, fleeing is an important tactic. An enemy that gives chase enters unfamiliar territory, often protected by traps. As a kobold, you feel no shame in running away and expect your companions to do the same should the situation turn against you. The world hates you. Being considered vermin by most people you meet is bound to take a toll. No matter what you accomplish, others might be anything from suspicious to hostile. Even most other reptilian humanoids look down on you, though they’re more likely to show you some respect if you prove yourself. When traveling through civilized lands, consider concealing your features to avoid conflicts.

44 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers Kobold Characteristics: Ambitious, cooperative, fawning, greedy, loyal, obedient, quick, timid Kobold Male Names: Bont, Dartak, Deekin, Forgen, Kol, Meepo, Nin, Speelok, Zeem Kobold Female Names: Capax, Eenith, Foruul, Gumba, Iimen, Lorpe, Rowatak Kobold Tribal Names: Black Death, Broken Fang, Gouger, Red Moon, Skull Kicker, Torn Ear Kobold Feats Each kobold tribe has its own methods and specialties, but all of them have a few things in common. Dungeon travel and dragon worship both hold a prominent place in kobold society. Trapmaking and evasive maneuvers let kobolds get the upper hand in battle, and they take great pains to improve these abilities. Dragon’s Indomitability You’re not entirely fearless, but you try to follow the example of the great dragons. Prerequisite: Kobold Benefit: You can roll two dice and use either result when making saving throws against effects that daze or stun you. Eldritch Momentum In the kobold tradition, warlocks learn to warp arcane energy with their movement and use it to break through enemies’ defenses. Your attacks zig and zag in an unpredictable fashion that catches enemies off guard. Prerequisite: Kobold, warlock, Warlock’s Curse class feature Benefit: If you move at least 3 squares away from where you started your turn, you gain combat advantage until the start of your next turn against creatures subject to your Warlock’s Curse. Kobold in a Corner Getting trapped in a dead end and surrounded is the worst danger a kobold can face. When enemies surround you, your instincts to escape kick in, and you fight back angrily. Prerequisite: Kobold Benefit: You gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls against creatures that have combat advantage against you. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level and +3 at 21st level. Shiftier Maneuver Carefully skulking around the battlefield is the kobold way to victory, and everyone in the tribe should be good at it. Your expertise is infectious. Prerequisite: Kobold, shifty maneuver racial power Benefit: When you use shifty maneuver, one target of the power can shift up to 2 extra squares. Trapbuster You understand the mechanisms used in all sorts of traps, and your ability to disarm them is second to none. Prerequisite: Kobold, training in Thievery Benefit: You can roll two dice and use either result when you make a Perception check to detect a trap. In addition, you never trigger a trap when you fail a Thievery check to disable it. Kobold Utility Powers Kobolds don’t like to venture too far out of their comfort zone, so they stick to what they are best at: canny movement, teamwork, and careful exploration. Many kobolds carry strange gadgets created from scrap metal and other refuse. They make these items using formulas handed down by the tribe and their own ingenuity, honed by years of trapmaking. When your kobold character gains a class utility power after 1st level, you can forgo taking a power granted to you by your class. Instead, you gain a kobold utility power of the same level or lower. NEW ITEM: HURLER-SNATCHER With some foraged twine, a supple reed, simple pulleys, and a soft cloth bindle, a kobold can piece together a crude device for getting around obstacles. These hurler-snatchers, as kobolds call them, have long been used to fling objects across gaps safely and retrieve small items lost down narrow chasms. Using a hurler-snatcher (4 lb., 10 gp) requires a move action. When you do so, you either transfer one item you have that weighs 5 pounds or less to an unoccupied space or a willing character within 5 squares of you, or you take one similar item that the character or the space has and transfer it to yourself. If you intend to transfer the item to a character, he or she has to have a free hand and must use a free action to catch it. Otherwise, the item lands in that character’s space. The 5-pound limit on a hurler-snatcher is enough to carry most simple objects. If items are bundled together in a backpack or a sack, they’re usually too heavy to flick around. Some items are too unwieldy to be transferred in this way; your DM ultimately makes the call. The hurler-snatcher is constructed to protect what it carries, even glassware, as long as the intended receiver can catch it. Objects break in transit only in a very small number of cases. Kobolds offer no warranties on items sent by way of a hurler-snatcher. y y

45KOBOLD DAVE ALLSOP CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers Flee! A kobold knows better than to fight against overwhelming odds. Sometimes the only way to win a fight is to escape and fight another day. When it’s time to retreat, a kobold leads the way to safety. Flee! Kobold Utility 2 You lead your tribemates in a hasty retreat. Daily Move Action Close burst 2 Effect: Each ally in the burst gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses against opportunity attacks until the end of your next turn. You then shift up to your speed. Load Slingpot Kobolds create special sling ammunition made of various substances stored in tiny clay pots. You have learned how to exercise this art through a bit of draconic magic. The magic is unpredictable, however, so you’re never sure which enchantment you’re going to get. Load Slingpot Kobold Utility 2 You hurl a hastily enchanted projectile from your sling. Encounter Free Action Personal Requirement: You must be wielding a sling. Effect: You load your sling with a random type of ammunition. The next time you hit with a ranged basic attack with this sling before the end of your next turn, it has one of the following additional effects. Roll a d6 to determine the ammunition type. 1–2 Stinkpot: The target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of its next turn. 3–4 Firepot (Fire): The target takes ongoing 2 fire damage (save ends). 5–6 Gluepot: The target is immobilized until the end of its next turn. Tunnel Scuttle Living in the tight tunnels and unpredictable pathways of a dungeon taught you how to move quickly over precarious terrain. You can climb natural chimneys and fit through tiny spaces, and do it all quickly enough to get away from danger. Tunnel Scuttle Kobold Utility 6 You scramble up walls and through narrow spaces with ease. Encounter Move Action Personal Effect: You move up to your speed. During this movement, you have a climb speed equal to your speed, and can move at full speed while squeezing. Frantic Shift Cold-blooded kobolds might not look like the quickest creatures, but they can spring about with surprising speed. They prize the ability to move safely and quickly. Frantic Shift Kobold Utility 10 You hustle in and out of the fray quickly. Encounter (Special) Minor Action Personal Effect: You shift 1 square. Special: The first time you are bloodied in an encounter, you regain the use of this power. Trap-Gang Method When kobolds go searching in corridors they believe to be trapped, they work in teams. Working together increases the odds of survival, either because teammates can warn each other or because they can distribute the brunt of a triggered trap’s effects. Most big folk don’t go in for this sort of thing, so adventuring kobolds “recruit” enemies for the job. Trap-Gang Method Kobold Utility 10 You treat an enemy like a trusted member of a kobold trap-gang team. That is, you shove it in front of the trap. At-Will Immediate Interrupt Special Trigger: You are damaged by an attack from a trap or a hazard while a nonminion creature is adjacent to you. Effect: You take only half damage from the triggering attack, and one nonminion creature adjacent to you takes the other half. Every kobold believes it has the heart of a dragon

46 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers SVIRFNEBLIN Subterranean gnomes dedicated to community who make strong bonds of friendship Racial Traits Average Height: 32˝–36˝ Average Weight: 55–80 lb. Ability Scores: +2 Wisdom; +2 Strength or +2 Constitution Size: Small Speed: 5 squares Vision: Darkvision Languages: Common, Deep Speech, Elven Skill Bonuses: +2 Dungeoneering, +2 Perception Earth Walk: You ignore difficult terrain that is rubble, uneven stone, or an earthen construction. Fey Origin: Your ancestors were native to the Feywild (specifically the Feydark), so you are considered a fey creature for the purpose of effects that relate to creature origin. Under-dweller: Dungeoneering is always a class skill for you. Stone Camouflage: You have the stone camouflage power. Stone Camouflage Svirfneblin Utility Your body becomes stony and magically blends with the terrain around you, making you harder to pinpoint. Encounter ✦ Illusion Minor Action Personal Effect: You gain partial concealment until the end of your next turn, and you gain 5 temporary hit points. Level 11: 10 temporary hit points. Level 21: 15 temporary hit points. Commonly referred to as deep gnomes, svirfneblin live primarily in the Underdark and rarely associate with their kindred on the surface. The two bloodlines separated so long ago that few similarities remain between them beyond a natural connection to magic. Many who don’t understand the svirfneblin’s way of life assume they are as dark and sinister as other creatures that live deep below the earth. For this reason, the “deep gnomes” must be vigilant against not only threats from their environment, but also from those who travel down from the surface. They have grown dour and insular by necessity, but they remain fundamentally good at heart. In a world of eternal darkness, where death lurks around every corner, a svirfneblin community provides a welcome contrast. The deep gnomes’ muted expressions convey a sense of dreariness to most outsiders and certainly don’t seem welcoming. Svirfneblin act standoffish to newcomers to protect their community, but anyone who gains their trust quickly learns they form close bonds of friendship. They focus on fulfilling their duties through hard work, either in the mines or around their settlement. In their off hours, svirfneblin enjoy telling stories in the company of their family and neighbors. Svirfneblin are a proud race that respects strength in numbers. They work well with others and value community over individual tastes. Constantly beset by threats, deep gnomes band together and form bonds of friendship that last a lifetime. They will die to protect the people they bond with. Physical Qualities At a distance, svirfneblin look much like their surface-dwelling cousins but are distinguishable by their generally darker skin and gaunt bodies. They have little body fat, which makes them appear emaciated. They are very short, slightly smaller than surface gnomes, and stand no more than 3½ feet tall. Females are taller than their male counterparts, though males are often stockier. Though they appear frail, svirfneblin are just as heavy as other gnomes. Their sturdy build results from the hard labor they undertake, which produces lots of muscle mass and a strong bone structure to support it. A svirfneblin’s appearance is also unique to its community’s Underdark (or Feydark) region. The skin color of deep gnomes varies according to the depth and location of their residences. In places where mineral-rich soil has formed veins of gray and black stone, svirfneblin populations have a darker skin tone. In areas where lava predominates, the gnomes’ skin might display shades of maroon and brown. Attitudes and Beliefs Svirfneblin are content folk who enjoy hard work and love seeing the results of their strenuous labor. Their close-knit community is central to their lives and an intrinsic part of their values; they maintain their discipline and will as long as their work serves the greater good. They believe in shared sacrifice for the survival of the community. Individual needs are rarely counted, a trait that leads svirfneblin to omit words such as “I” and “my” from their vocabulary even among family. These words are foreign to their life experiences, and it takes them time to learn that other creatures single out one person as distinct from the people as a whole. Religion has an important place in deep gnome society. Svirfneblin spend much time and preparation honoring the various gods they serve, and religious duties go to only the most respected and trusted among the clan. The most prominent svirfneblin religious figure is Callarduran Smoothhands, the Master

47SVIRFNEBLIN CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers CRAIG J SPEARING of Stone. Outsiders, and many svirfneblin priests, believe Callarduran to be an exarch of Moradin, especially in the world of Abeir-Toril. Most dwarves hold him to be a mask Moradin wears when speaking with the deep gnomes. Svirfneblin legends tell that after the Dawn War, Callarduran gave the first free svirfneblin the resources they needed to live underground, and that he set prized stones deep within the rock. Clerics of Callarduran often have the ability to summon and befriend elementals. A small number of svirfneblin revere Torog, the King that Crawls. These worshipers can’t live within a normal svirfneblin community. They either band together to form their own settlements far away from the others or join up with darker creatures of the Underdark, betraying their kin. Svirfneblin History Gnomes can be careless about historical documentation. Rather than put down records in stone or on paper, they pass down their tales by word of mouth. It is known that svirfneblin lived among the other gnomes when all were still imprisoned by the fomorians. When the gnomes escaped their fetters, most of them traveled to the surface. The svirfneblin instead went deeper underground, away from the fomorian realms but still within the Night Below. Most svirfneblin tales remain secret, repeated only among the clan. The few stories they tell to other people make the svirfneblin people look cordial and helpful. A svirfneblin warlock leads a band of miners in a battle to protect their home SVIRFNEBLIN SPEECH For an example of how svirfneblin speech patterns differ, imagine a surface dweller going to the market to buy a tool. That person might say, “I would like to purchase a hammer from you.” A svirfneblin might instead say “We would like to purchase a hammer from you.” You can adopt this sort of dialogue when you play a svirfneblin, but keep in mind that it might be confusing at first (both in the world and at the game table). If your svirfneblin has been away from home for an extended time, he or she might have started speaking more like a surface-dweller.

48 CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers Svirfneblin Society Svirfneblin communities are organized into clans and are located exclusively in subterranean settlements deep within the Underdark. Specialized engineers constantly seek out large caverns that can sustain the clan’s population growth and societal needs, as well as the evolving nature of their environment. When a town is first settled, the leaders claim the more stable areas of the cavern and build complexes out of stalagmites located within. Remaining members of the clan choose the location of their home in order of priority, based on many factors such position, lineage, and wealth. Of all the treasure that the svirfneblin gather, they cherish their children the most. Many families include four or more children, and rarely fewer than two. Repopulation is so important to the deep gnomes that the largest families often earn rewards and benefits. The parents of six or more children are rarely impoverished. The majority of male svirfneblin work in their community’s mining operations. Those who do not are either physically disabled or are part of the political and religious structure of the community. Even those who are not capable of helping in the mines find jobs processing raw material as it returns, or operating businesses that help support the town. Female svirfneblin are the masters of the domicile and venerated for their hard work. Their ability to manage a household, raise children, and keep the miners of their family healthy makes them the cornerstone of svirfneblin life—a concept not lost on the ruling family of any given clan. Governance of a deep gnome settlement varies depending on the clan. Some towns operate on a purely democratic principle, giving an equal voice to all in the community. Others form committees that manage the overall direction of the clan and are empowered to make decisions on the town’s behalf. The most common form stays close to the communal beliefs on which the race was founded. Both a king and a queen rule these svirfneblin towns, each holding the position for life. The king oversees mining operations, while the queen manages infrastructure. Though each takes pride in friendly competition between the sexes, both are ultimately responsible for the community’s defense. Svirfneblin Adventurers Few svirfneblin travel outside the safety of the community. The race has grown to know strength in numbers, and for this reason alone individuals have a hard time breaking free. Those enterprising souls who yearn for adventure succeed in overcoming this fear, but do so with some remorse and regret. Svirfneblin keep these feelings to themselves: To reveal them might weaken the bonds of the group. A svirfneblin away from home constantly longs to go back underground and would rather explore an unfamiliar dungeon than travel through a forest or surface city. Druid Svirfneblin feel a natural connection to the world around them and many hear the call of the wild even in the Underdark. Many svirfneblin druids operate subterranean farms to train beasts of burden for daily tasks. Some also specialize in knowledge of unique terrain found only in the Underdark. The rulers of deep gnome city-states use this information when directing the expansion of their communities. Cleric Priests in svirfneblin communities teach that Callarduran Smoothhands gave svirfneblin the tools to thrive in the Underdark. Their teachings and magic are practical rather than flashy. An adventuring cleric prepares meticulously for battle and travel, always carrying his or her own weight so as not to force the burden of upkeep and defense on others. In a group of explorers, a svirfneblin cleric puts an emphasis first on cooperation, settling disputes and making sure the others communicate effectively. Ranger Svirfneblin rangers are some of the best in the Underdark. They spend a great deal of time away from the cherished comforts of their homes to hunt, fish, and scout. The strongest deep gnome communities are protected by hundreds of rangers, who are responsible for detecting and responding to incoming threats before they arrive. Warden Wardens are the core of a svirfneblin militia. They are stalwart guardians of their kin and trusted defenders of home and hearth. Having a unique relationship with primal forces of earth and stone, svirfneblin wardens are indomitable adversaries. Roleplaying a Svirfneblin When creating a svirfneblin adventurer, here are a few points to consider. You are a team player. Whenever a problem arises, you always advocate for everyone to be involved in the solution. You are eager to contribute your skills and knowledge to the discussion. Strength in numbers. An individual svirfneblin never confronts a physical threat alone unless forced. You understand the intrinsic value of a coordinated group attack against a superior challenge. You can help the team find the best way to tactically take down an opponent using all the resources available. You know the depths better than anyone. You know your way around the Underdark. You might

49SVIRFNEBLIN CHAPTER 1 | Dungeon Delvers NOAH BRADLEY not like that fact, but it is true nonetheless. Travelers, adventurers, and other Underdark denizens seek you out for your expertise. Even if you don’t know the exact path, you know the ever-changing landscape of the Underdark. It is a living entity to you, and you understand how it lives, breathes, and operates. Thanks for noticing. You go about your life with pride in your people, your lineage, and your capabilities, but you can’t shake the feeling that you aren’t quite good enough. Having deserted or been forced to leave your community and clan, no longer having a designated place in a social order, you might sense that you’ve lost your purpose. This feeling might lead you to apologize for simple errors or go beyond the call of duty to prove yourself. The simplest compliment could mean the world to you. Svirfneblin Characteristics: Proud, meek, lonely, curious, solemn, dour, cynical Svirfneblin Male Names: Ashcoffer, Belwar, Boonler, Molgar, Sachelhoffen, Tassen, Victorbuff Svirfneblin Female Names: Anselway, Dollidor, Fansel, Gretzlynn, Juile, Polliwopple, Wailee Svirfneblin Clan Names: Dallydans, Jokulhaups, Mallywagers, Peppleponds Svirfneblin Feats The harsh life svirfneblin lead makes them tougher and more in tune with the forces of nature that shape the walls around them. Deep gnomes might not make many friends outside their settlements, but they know how to endure and survive without help. Crew Savvy As a member of a mining crew, you learned how to use teamwork when delving. Prerequisite: Svirfneblin, training in Athletics Benefit: You gain a +3 feat bonus to Athletics checks to climb. In addition, whenever you make a Dungeoneering check or an Athletics check to climb, one ally adjacent to you gains a +2 feat bonus the next time he or she makes the same sort of check before the end of your next turn. Deep Durability The primal spirits of earth and stone recognize you as their protector, and they shield you. Prerequisite: Svirfneblin, warden, stone camouflage racial power Benefit: When you use stone camouflage, you gain 3 additional temporary hit points for each enemy marked by you. The additional temporary hit points per enemy increase to 5 at 11th level and 7 at 21st level. Svirfneblin communities are well hidden and tightly knit

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