Casey County News from Liberty, Kentucky (2024)

5 li 2 THE CASEY COUNTY NEWS HOUSEKEEPER IS BLAMED FOR HIGH COST OF COAL STRICKEN PUBLIC RUSHES TO FILL CELLARS EARLY IN SEASON 'Advice Of Dealers And Operators To "Buy Now," Said By Government Investigators to Be Cause of Great Demand -Prices Highest In History of Nation, Washington. America's coal bill this year will be the highest in history. Government officials admitting this Ito be the case, explain it as due primarily 1 to an unprecedented demand for coal at this senson of the year, which in many sections is keeping prices at winter levels. This is true In communities where anthracite is the accepted household fuel, according to reports to Gorernment agencies, and to a less extent In districts where the bituminous burned. No falling off in production can be held accountable for the present it is declared.

as reports to the Geological Survey and Federal Distributor show a steady output equal to any reasonable demand in both hard and soft coal districts. The householder himself, according to all indications, is keeping up the price by "laying in" his during the spring months. when normully the demand is slackened. The demand, however. is continuing at an unprecedented rate, indicating to officials who have studied the subject that the public is acting on the often reiterated advice to "buy now." Their burry to fill their bins, is seen here as primarily responsible for the maintenance of winter prices, particularly on anthracite.

To what extent the average citizen is filling his bins against the coming winter cannot be determined on the basis of reports at hand, but is expected to be shown by a census of coal consumption, sales and reserve stocks now being taken by Federal agencies. This census, the results of which are to be laid before the Federal Fuel Distributor for his information and guidance, is in charge of the Census Bureau and the Geological Survey, which are acting jointly to ascertain the exact facts. To Spend $43,000,000 Omaha. Union Pacific Railroad will spend almost $43.000.000 this year in Improvements, of which 811 500000 will be for 7S freight lococal 13.000 freight cars." says nent by Carl R. Gray, President.

"The new double-tracking will give the Union Pacific a two-track line almost the entire distance from Omaha to Ogden and Salt Lake," the etatement said, adding that "this rear an alternate main line will be built through Poise, Idaho, and a branch in the Idaho Falls District." Oil Fraud Cases Ft. Worth, array of elderly men and women took the witness stand here at the trial of the defendants in the General Lee oil fraud cases and told of the faith they had in "General Robert Lee," one of the defendants, with whom they had placed their savings, Jirs. M. M. Strowbridge, of Cinrinnati, was among those who testided.

Alleged Threats Made 6 Chillicothe. States Vocational School officials announced that they had information that threats of violence and death were made in obtaining signatures of 137 disabled service students to the second petition that has been sent to Washington asking for the removal of President E. G. Dexter from the school. Found Guilty Dubuque, -A.

A. and W. F. Cooper. wealthy Dubuque matufacturers and business men, were found to be guilty on three counts on a conspiracy indictment, which charged them with having made false and fraudulent income.

tax returns in 1918. 1919 and 1920, by a Federal Court jury here. Chicago Rum Scandal Chicago, directors here announced that they were about to give Chicago its greatest rum scan'dal since prohibition. The scandal is expected to come through investigation of purchases of liquor through permits issued irregularly. Will Tour World P- New Kearsley Mitchell, of Philadelphia, who, it was said, had often visited the apartment of Dorothy King, who was slain, was reported to have sold his home and was about to make a tour of the world.

Thousand Homeless Oklahoma City. -Oklahoma City is in the grip of one of the worst floods in its history. Water covers miles of lowlands the southern section of the city. l'acking Town, source of the city's meat supply, is isolated. More than 1,000 persons are homeless.

These are being cared for by city officials and relief organizations. Seven hundred cots and blankets were placed in the City Auditorium by order of Adjutant General B. J. Markham. PRAYS NATION MAY OUTLAW WAR PRESIDENT HARDING REDEDI.

CATES GOVERNMENT TO CAUSE OF PEACE Draft To Hit Every Resource In Event cf Conflict, Asserts Chief Executive -Common Cause to Be Made of the Nation's Preservation. by the liv. ing and the dead of three of the nation's armed conflicts, I'resident Ilarding rededicated the Government to the cause of peace with 7 solemn promise that if war ever comes again "the conscienceless profiteer shall not put the black blot of greed upon the rightpous sacrifice" of American youth. I'resident Harding uttered a pruyer that the United States "do its full part toward making war unlikely, if not impossible." "We already have proved that we can have less armament," the President said. "Let us strive for the assurance that we shall have none of war." Scarcely had the applause from those assembled in the great National Cemetery for the annual Memorial Day exercises died away, when the Chief Executive coupled with his prayer the hope that, should war again come to America, "we will not the land but we will alone call to service, the youth of draft every resource; every all of the wealth, and make common cause of the nation's preservation." The President was speaking to the thinning ranks of those in the blue of '61, their sons in the khaki of '98 and grandsons of Flanders fields in 1917, guthered in Arlington Memorial Amphitheater to pay their annual tribute to the comrades who fell in the country's defense.

A chill wind blowing past the monument of Washington, the memorial to Lincoln, over the historic Potomac and across the tomb of the unknown soldier of the World War, carried the message through the stately portals to the green mounds of those who know they gave their all not in vain. Three Children Killed Colquitt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lewis, of Jakin, returned from Donalsonville, to the home of 11 neighbor where they had left their four children, they found three of the children dead, the other unconscious and the neighbor, Mrs. John Widner, also unconscious.

They had been struck by lightning. Mrs. Widper and the injured child A v. Return 18 Indictments Newark, N. indictments, including six for murder, were returned here as the result of the death of P'atrolman Peter Bederski, reputed member of al underworld gung, who was shot when in an attempted robbery of the Bernstein furniture warehouse last May 11.

A patrolman, a former member of the police force, and 11 others are named. Would Fight Coal Profiteers New United States Senator Joseph E. Frelinghuysen, of New Jersey, announced he had undertaken the organization of a coal consumners' league to fight for federal and state legislation limiting the profits of coal companies and obliging them to make public all facts concerning their costs of production and distribution. Opium Sale Chceked Strict limitation of the production and sale of prepared opium under absolute government monopoly was approved by the Opium Advisory Committee of the League of Nations here. The vote was six to one, with France casting the negative ballot and Portugal abstaining.

Four Men Are Killed Benson, men are known to be dead and one injured in an plosion which wrecked three mixing houses of the Apache Powder Company, six miles south of Benson. Telephone lines were blown down and direct communication with the plant by wire was cut off. Kitchen Is Better Wilson, N. improvement in the condition of Representative Claude -Kitchin, former Democratic leader in the House of Representatives, who is seriously ill here, was reported by attending physicians. He has been unconscious part of the time.

Child Born To Royalty system for sending autographed telegrams is being installed Munich, in French telegraph offices. The send- born to the er writes the telegram on a revolving Bavaria. cylinder, and it is received by the ad- former Crown dressee in the original writing of the was I'rincess sender, bourg and College Head Quits Discovers Wonderful Odic Ray L. Hollingshead, Pasadena scientist, announces the discovery of the after twenty yeurs of Intensive work. lie proclaims It to have counteract or destroy any matter of any solidity completely; by dithis radiation, to register a photograph through Inches of solid inches of solid steel with an exposure of dive seconds.

and to SO flow of gravitation force that a piece of metal 1 within the ray's light to have a string attached to It to keep it from ascending to the cellphotograph shows Mr. Ilollingshead in his laboratory. STRIKES SPREAD THROUGHOUT RUHR Edgar "Odic Ray," powers to rection of lead and resist the will bave ing. The STINNES INTERESTS HIT BY UP. RISING OF REDS--FIGHTING CONTINUES Communists In Bochum Extend Their Position, Though for Third Time Storm Firehouse But Are Driven Off -Shooting Is Heavy.

Essen. The strike movement is spreading throughout the Ruhr, and fresh walkouts among metal workers and miners are reported in near-by unoccupied territory. A general strike called at Hamborn is affecting the iron works there belonging to the Stinnes interests. Communist manifestants at Wanne became so threatening that the French intervened for the first time, as a result of which the demonstration collapsed. The sale of alcoholic liquors has been prohibited in the entire disturbed area by the German authorities, hut the regulation is not being observed greatly.

The Communists in Bochum extended thei i. city firemen and C. swearing white arm bands, sum noiu the firehouse. 'The Communists for the third time stormed this position at daylight, the fighting lasting more than an hour. The shooting was heaviest since the siege began, but only a few casualties are reported.

The main attack of the Reds was from the railroad viaduct, crossing the street near the firehouse, where the Reds took 11p their position at dawn. using rifles and revolvers. The defenders found refuge behind barricades and drove off the enemy, Simultaneously the Reds delivered attacks in the streets leading to Firehouse square. The firemen have an observation post in a small steel tower, where ordinarily hose is stored. Attempts by the Reds to pick off "white" lookouts failed.

Further attacks are expected, and in the meantime the Reds are in control of the western part of town, the factory district, the whites holding the business quarter, where the banks and chief shops are located. Two shopkeepers in the district were taken as hostages, and other shopkeepers likely will be seized unless food prices are reduced. Indictment Is Nolled Cleveland, indictment charging Norman l'earson, of Cincinnati. with having violated the Ohio blue sky law was nolled by Common I'leas Judge Bernon upon the request of Assistant County Prosecutor Sexton. l'earson, it was originally charged, sold real estate located in another state to parties in Ohio with a certificate.

To Appeal Case New to pay a fine of $200 for producing "God of Vengeance," a morality play which a Jury decided was indecent and immoral, Harry Weinberger announced that he intended to carry the case to the higher Courts, asserting he was acting to prevent the banishment of "serious" plays from Broadway. Storekeeper Is Tortured. New chasing a clerk and 1 customer into the cellar and slamming ft trap on their heads, two bandits tortured Joseph Stimmel by slashing his cheeks with a knife until he gave them the combination of the Rival Shoe Store safe. They escaped with $2,500. Bandits Obtain $55,000 St.

partial check revealed that the five bandits who held the Postmaster and postal clerk at Staunton, 40 miles northeast of here, and seized two mail pouches containing. currency for mine payrolls, ohtained about $55.000, all in five, ten and twenty-dollar bills. Postoffice Inspectors said they had found no trace of the bandits. who were unmasked forced G. A.

Roberts, Postmaster, and Harry Keuhenen, clerk, into their car and then ejected them. MEMPHIS SKYSCRAPER Sm Here is the Corambiun Mutual Lift tower at Memphis, as it will appear when completed in June, 1024. Con struction wus begun in April of thi: year. It is owned by the Columbiar Mutual Life Assurance society of Mem phis. FLASOLIGHTS: One way to aroid the bitterness of losing is never to play.

It is better to refuse the request than to break the promise. Overwork Is often merely a nice name given to over-indulgence. Facts are stubborn, but they usually have the truth on their side. Some folks seem to have lost the art of having a good time at home. When a young man makes a mis take, age should give him credit for having tried.

One can be 8 success in this life and still play 8 miserable gume of bridge whist. A8 2 rule the man who loses his today is the one who will be apologizing tomorrow. A good-natured man may get the worst of It now and then, but nobody ever goes out of his way to give a grouch any the best of Free Press. FROM EARTH'S CORNERS England has nearly 900 women magletrates. The state of South Australia is four times as big as France.

In Iceland whistling Is forbidden as breach of the divine law. Alaska has the largest active volcano in the world-Mt. Katmal. A cypress tree with a trunk 50 feet ba diameter exists at Santa Madia Dol-Tule, Mexico. China has 225 people to each square mile of territory, Japan has 376 and Australia less than two.

Coca, a shrub growing in Peru, contins stimulant enslaving its users to greater extent than opium. WHO AM am always misunderstood. I am no end of trouble. I often come between husband and wife. Women love me.

I am a friend in need. Women expect me to do all the worrying. The banks betray me. I am more dangerous in the hands of a woman than gun. I have made men weep.

100 Per Cent American. Mrs. Reilly- What makes these gar dines so high? Grocer--They're imported. mum. Mrs.

Reilly--I'll take the domestic ones--them as had the braing to swim acrost to this country. Showing Him Off. The Doctor -I have given your baby thorough examination and I cau't And anything the matter with him. Mrs. Newmother- Who suld there was anything the mutter with him? Isn't he a wonder? A Human Sleve.

"Never tell Mabel any secrets." "Can't she keep them?" "Keep them? Why, that girl tells people her right Eve ping Transcript. The Winning Game. Ted--Tom can play poker with stranger and tell if he's blumag. He thinks of going in for psychology. Ned--He'd better stick to poker.

T.M. POWER MI never saw a woman so full of energy." "Nor I. Why, merely correcting her. mistakes keep two men busy." Musings of a Motor Cop. She struck a match in a careless way.

"I'll smoke a bit," sald she. The price of gas went up that day. So did Hortense Magee. The Proper Place. Mrs.

Nipp-I tell you I will have this out with you. Mr. Nipp-Walt until we get home to fight. What did we hire a flat for? Some Satisfaction. The Boss--You are always grumbling about something.

Clerk--Well, I'm glad you adrolt that I'm not grumbling about nothing. Black Does Something Shady. "I'm surprised that Black should lend himself to any such scheme." "He didn't lend himself. He -Boston T-angerint. Barber Shop Agent for Danville Steam Laundry Laundry goes off Every Wear THE BELL HOTEL BUILDING CLARENCE MOORE, Prop.

LEERTY. Kv ANYTHING WORTH BUYING CAN BE SOLD There is no economy in Talk To Me keeping something you don't want from year to and year. Sell it to some one else who does need it. I Will I all conduct kinds of public or private sales, and Talk For You I make a practice of SELL. ING THE GOODS.

i Otis C. Thomas Liberty, Ky. 1 EAGLE Pencil No. 174 171 MIKADO For Sale at your Dealer Made in five grades ASK FOR THE YELLOW PENCIL WITH THE RED BAND EAGLE MIKADO EAGLE PENCIL COMPANY, NEW YORK 0 I -r A E. ARGUMENT WITH GERMANY Is Made By France, London HearsInfluence of Belgium Is Applied rapidly on the heels of a flash from Paris that the Ruhr question has been settled, that the information is from an authoritative source, is "that the Ruhr ques: tion is in process of settlement, but my informant adheres to his original statement that the question Is practically settled." It is apparent from the latest dispatch that the settlement was due in a measure to the changed attitude of Belgium and its consequent endeavor to induce France to agree to a settlement.

Belgium, it is declared, "finds the blockade is ruining Belgian trade and destroying her carrying services, with a resulting increuse in unemployment and a rising cost of living." Hears First Time New from birth, da Ohley, 10 years old, daugh Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ohley, was a hear when for the heard first music time a few day. she attachment. The child that she hopes she will be the ailment.

Specialists have her under observation for six years. "When the regular telephone ear. attachments were adjusted Matilda could not hear the music at first, but when it was regulated louder she danced for joy." Ax Murderer Busy Birmingham, Ala. Charley Oroffeo became the thirty-fifth victim of Birmingham's mysterious "ax murderer" when his body was found behind a counter in his store in an outlying residential section. The skull had been crushed by a single glow with an ax.

Police records show that this was the twenty-eighth similar attack during the last two years, in which persons have lost their lives and 17 4 have been injured. Old Dobbin Passes Pittsburgh, Penn. last horse-drawn street car is to pass on. For many years it has made a single trip daily over one street to protect a franchise held by the Pittsburgh Railway Company. City Council granted permission to the traction company to remove the tracks.

"Next Winter" Started Butte. Mont. "Next winter" started in Montana when a heavy snow blanketed Butte and the surrounding country and when cold rain and snow struck Helena. Great Falls also reported cold and rain. Snow continued to fall in Butte throughout the afternoon.

Wins Auto Race Indianan Milton, of St. Paul, achieved the ambition of his brilliant racing career, wher. for the second time he won the 500-mile automobile race over the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, repeating his victory of 1921, before a crowd of 150,000 spectators. System Being Installed Lansing, Mich. -The State Board of Agriculture accepted the resignation of Dr.

David Friday, President of Michigan Agricultural College, to become effectiv June 1. Dr. Friday, nationally known economist, tendered his resignation earlier in the day following a secret meeting of the board recently at which the members are reported to have decided to ask him to resign because they disagreed with his administration methods. A 1 A i Bavaria. -A daughter was former Crown Princess of Before her marriage to I'rince Rupprecht she Antoinette of LuxemNassau.

Work To Be Resumed Hoeschst, Hesse Nassau. French troops having evacuated the dye works here, it was decided to resume work in the plant. The extensive German works at Ludwigshafen and Hoechst were occupied by the French on May 15. It was announced that the occupation was for the purpose of seizing and removing such quantities of dyestuffs us were due France and Belguim under the peace treaty and which the Germans had fulled to deliver. 1.

Casey County News from Liberty, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.