Casey County News from Liberty, Kentucky (2024)

CASEY COUNTY THE CASEY COUNTY NEWS NEWS CULLINGS From Kentucky Bowling Green--Jesse Thomas, 28, and Elvis Austin, 35, escaped from the Allen County jail at Scottsville, Ky. Louisville In Judge Field's court verdict for $600 was returned by jury in favor of A. Marx, who sued Henry Ellmers for $640, alleged damages to his automobile truck. Morris, 17, was sev. erely burned about the hands and face as the result of the contents, of a powder can exploding while he was cleaning the cellar at his home, 274 Cable street.

He received treatment at the Vity Hospital. Lexington--A movement for organIzation of a civilian rifle club to compete with the students' rifle teains of the R. O. T. C.

battalion of the University of Kentucky was launched at a meeting of the Lions Club by Capt. Joseph E. Torrence, in charge of rifle instruction at the university. bids for the reconstruction of approximately forty miles of improved roadway on thirteen highways of Fayette County were received by the Fiscal Court. Twelve bids were submitted -and turned over to County Road Engineer W.

I. Edwards by County Judge E. II. Doak. number of FlemIng County farmers have organized the Fleming County National Farm Loan Association, which will operate under the Federal Land Bank at Louisville.

The following officers were elected: Lawrence A. Bradford. president; Cooper I. Hudson, vice president, and J. M.

McIntire, Clay McKinney and Frank Kennon had a narrow escape from drowning near here recently when, in attempting to cross Hardwick's and Creek, their wagon was over. turned their mule team was washed down stream in the swollen waters. Both men were able to make their wily to the bank in time to save the team. Crone, of Covington, a member of the Kentucky National Guard, on duty here in connection with the rolling mill strike, was accidentally shot and fatally wounded. John Yates, of Newport, was coming on duty to relieve Crone when dropped his pistol, which was charged.

the bullet lodging in body. He died when being removed to a hospital. at St. Elizabeth Hospital here are baffled over the case of Miss Celia White, 19, of New. port, who has been unconscious, except for slight periods, since she was received at the institution.

Miss White, according to the hospital authoritles, fell down a flight of stairs. It is reported that X-ray examination failed to disclose a fracture of the skull or any pressure on the brain. Louisville -Suit for $10,000 damages was filed by Sarah Kelly against J. W. Engleman.

Plaintiff alleges that while the defendant WAS repairing his. house at 032 South Tenth street he permitted boards, from which nails protruded, to fall into plaintiff's yard. and that on August 11, 1921, while she was walking in her yard, she stumbled over a board and sustained injuries of a permanent character. Lebanon--One of the most destructive fires that. has visited this city in many years broke out in the rear of the building occupied by John W.

Shaheen's general store, ground floor, and J. W. Miller's photographer's establishment, upstairs, on the corner of Main street and Spaulding avenue. Four business houses were destroyed with their contents, entailing a loss of $00.010. About $40,000 of insurance was curried on the propeyty.

The cause of the fire is unknown. Frankfort--Oil produced in Kentucky during January and reported to the State Tax Commission totaled barrels, valued at 537 20, the books of the commossion show. The report from one pipe line company, which handles almost 000 barrels a month, is not included, owing to errors which made it neccessary to return the report for correction. This would make the total for the month more than 700,000 barrels. Lee County, with 207,027.91 barrels, valued at $059,161.43, led the sixteen oil-producing counties.

gotlin was second with 79,302.62 barrels valued at $160,135.16 and Warren third with 67,202.00 barrels, valued at $112,883.50. Louisville -Sheriff John T. Roach, 30, ex-service man and former representative from the Kentucky Legislature from Graves County, was shot and killed instantly in his office at the courthouse by Sam Galloway, a deputy sheriff. Newport--The Citizens Telephone Company was indicted by the Campbell County grand jury. In twenty counts' the company, as a telephone utility, is made defendants to charges of "aiding and abetting handbook gambling." H- 4 1 A Short Time Ago I Weighed Only 80 Pounds---I Now Weigh 112 Pounds and TANLAC is what built me up so wonderfully, says Mrs.

Barbara Weber, 315 Van Ness San Francisco. She is but one of thousands similarly benefited. If you are under your digestion is impaired, if you are weak and unable to enjoy life to the fullest measure, you should take Tanlac. At all good druggists. Radium Found in the Congo.

A Belgian mission sent to the Kad tanga district of the Congo la said to have found extensive radium-bearing deposits. During the war a Belgian sold in London colcolite rich in radium. He refused to divulge its sources, but the Belgian government Immediately Instituted a search that led to the Katanga tific American. Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for infants and children, and see that it Bears the Signature of La In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria No Doubt the Doctor Is Right.

"Queer, isn't it "What?" doctor says that my husband 13 sunffering from a lack of exercise." "What is there queer about that?" "lle has been a member of the athletic club for years." Mrs. Eliza Teeter Goshen, had coughed night and day for a whole year and had lost so much flesh I began to look like a walking skeleton. Two of my sisters had died from tuberculosis and I felt certain that my time had come. Finally, a friend recommended Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery to my husband, and it made me feel new strength and vitality right from the start and in a year's time I was just as strong and hardy as ever.

I have never suf. fered with a deep, hacking cough since (that was about 20 years ago) and have always felt very grateful to Dr. -Urs. Eliza Teeter, 413 Middlebury St. Whenever you feel the need of good confidential medical advice.

address Dr. Pierce, president Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. and answer will be returned without charge of any kind. URIC ACID SOLVENT 85 Cent Bottle FREE (32 Doses) Just because you etart the day worried and tired, stiff legs and arms and muscles, an aching head, burning and bearing down pains in the back-worn out before the day not think you have to stay in that condition. Get well! Be free from stiff Joints, sore muscles, rheumatic pains, aching back, kidney or bladder troubles.

Start NOW. it you suffer from bladder weakness with burning, scalding pains, or It you are in and out of bed halt 8 dozen times at night, you will appreciate the rest, comfort and strength this treatment gives. We will give you for your OWN use one 85-cent bottle (32 Doses) FREE to convince you The Williams Treatment conquers kidney and bladder troubles, Rheumatism and all other no matter how chronia or stubborn, when caused by excessive urto acid. Send this notice with your letter to The Dr. D.

A. Williams Dept. V-4907, P. O. Block, East Hampton, Conn.

Please send ten cents to help ray part cost of postage, packing, etc. We will mall to you by Parcel Post, delivery paid, regular 85-cent bottle of The Willfams Treatment (32 DOSES), without obugation or expense. Only one bottle to the same address or family. Established 1802. ABSORBINE TRADE MARK AFG US PAT CHI Stops Lameness from a Bone Spavin, Ring Splint, Curb, Side Bone, or similar troubles and gets horse going sound, It acts mildly but quickly and good results are lasting.

Does not blister or remove the hair and horse can be worked. Page 17 in pamphlet with each bottle tells how. $2.50 bottle delivered. Herve Book 9 A free. W.

F. YOUNG, 310 Temple Springfield, Mass. Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap and Talcum Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. W. N.

CINCINNATI, NO. 12--1922. 3 FARM CHEAP LAND Why Western Canada Agriculturists Are Smiling. Low Overhead Expense and Bountiful Crops Have Enabled Them to Overcome Agricuitural Depression. 1 The recent agricultural depression brought to the eyes of the world the fact that one of its basic industries was likely to suffer a severe blow unless steps were taken to secure a reluedy.

Physician after physician ADplied remedies, but even parliamentarians and newspapers were unable to place their finger on the pulse that would respond. As it appears today, It was A spasmodic wave due to the ebb and flow of the tide of readjustment that was bound to follow al disturbance such as the Great War caused. Psychologically It was bound to change; there was certain to be a reflex movement that would bring agricultural conditions back to the place where they normally and rightly belong. Efficiency and sound business Judg. ment are needed more In agriculture today than ever before and are as important to the farmer as to a railroad company, or to a greut steel corporation.

The farmer must endeavor to secure an equal footing in the competition for a lower cost of production. In Western Canada the farmer has come through the dark era with that fortitude and determination so pecullar to a new country, and is meeting the chunged situation with energy and a Amile. In Western Canada the farmer is not hampered by 211 annual overhend expense of beavy Interest on high-priced land. He is able to produrre at A minimum, because his land value seldom exceeds $50 an nore. Owing to the fact that he is farming land the price of which 1s from.

$25 to $50 an acre. producing crops of wheat running from 20 to 40 bushels per acre. and other grains in proportion, he is able to produce at a low cost. In addition to this, a fact which should not he lost sight the large area that he can farm at low cost. giv.

Ing him an added advantage in reducIng the cost of production. The corn thnt. the farmer fully expected to bring him over a dollar a bushel, he saw carried away to the market, and bring back a 30 or 40 cent check. Wheat for the whole of Canada averaged 86 cents a bushel in 1921 as compared with $1.62 in 1920; onts 37 cents as against 53 cents; barley 47 cents as against 83 cents. Other grain prices similarly fell.

While other parts of the continent, where grain-growing is carried on, have suf. fered in like manner by. deflation in prices. they have had to face a much higher cost in production. such as high rents, high-priced farms, and high taxes.

Farmers had calculated on receiving war or nearly war figures for their grain and therefore were amply justified in submitting to the tax that soaring land prices set upon them. Western Canada fortunately did not suffer from inflated land prices. Therefore, when grain prices fell, the losses sustained were not so great; they did not cut out the margin of profit, excepting in some cases where some climatic conditions caused it. Why not take advantage of the Homeseckers' rate to any point in Western Canada, of return rate single fare plus $2.00, and get information from the nearest Canadian Governmeut' agent? Then He Ought To. Simpkins- Why is Trevor winding up his affairs? Blinkins-Oh, just because the doo tor told him'he is all run down I Long Sight, Guesses are being hazarded at the length of range of human vision.

miles has been suggested as A good radius, but geographers have calculated that ten times thut distance 1s within range' from Mount Everest -when you get there. Yet these computations deal only with horizons. Our actual range of vision appears to be limitless, extending to the farthest star, which is big enough 'and bright enough to make an impression on the retina. The mileage of our vision runs Into many millions of miles, at an extremely modest estimate. Odd Experience.

One day I went skating. The creek was about a mile away from home. After I had been skating for some time It began to snow very hard. I thought I would skate down' the branch of the creek to a bridge just a few steps from the house. I skated and skated before finding I had gone, down the wrong branch and was about three miles from home.

It was a strange experience, I must change, Nature Looks After That. It has been estimated that at the present rate of consumption the green plants of the world would exhaust the air of carbon dioxide in about thirty years if it were not constantly being replaced. For Women Only. The Baltimore woman who pushed her obstreperous husband into a trunk, Rand threw away the key has apparently solved the ancient probiemcan I hold my -Seattle Post-Intelligencer. LIVE STOCK FACTS INTEREST IN BETTER SIRES Records Show Campaign for Purebreds Has Extended to All States and Island Possessions.

(Prepared by the Tr.ited States Department of With exactly 5,000 persons enrolled in the "Better Sires-Better Stock" campaign at the close of the calendar year 1921, records of the United States Department of Agriculture show a continued interest in this work which has extended to all states and several Island possessions. During the year the number of live stock owned by the persons enrolled Increased from about 100,000 to 750,000. The figures include both male and female stock. All of the males are purebred, And the females, which may be of varied breeding, are bred in all cases to purebred sires. It is noteworthy that 56 per cent of all female stock listed in the better sires campaign are purebred.

This figure is 1 per cent higher than a year ago. The -effect of the use of purebred sires in reducing the number of scrub aniinals oll farms is shown by the small proportion of scrubs in herd: and flocks headed by purebred males The figure at the end of the calendar year 1920 was 2.1 per cent and for 1921, 1.9 per cent scrubs in such herds. At the request of several state extension workers a special report has been made for the last three months of 1021 with respect to progress by states. Enroliments of persons agree ing to put their live stock on a pure bred-sire basis totaled 716. The greatest activity during the quarter 1'AS in Ohio, Nebraska coming next, followed In turn by Washington, Virginia, Kentucky.

and North Dakota, In the order named. The leading counties during the quarter were Hardin County, Ohio, with 100 persons signing enrollment blanks. Kittitas County, was second, with 56 enrollments: Bolmont County, Ohio, 49: Grand Forks County, N. 47. Other active counties Castor, 800-Pound Registered Morgan Horse.

were Ellis, Gallla, Ohio; and Lewis, Wash. These results make Hardin County, Olio, with a total of 160 enrollments, the third highest county in the United States, the first and second being l'ulaski County, 446, and Greenville, S. 170. The widespread interest in the use of purebred sires as a means of innproving live stock is evident from the number of counties where the wort has already gone forward. Live stock owners in 548 counties, and, In addltion, in the islands of Guam and Poro Rico, were participating in the work at the end of the calendar year.

Summary of Results in "Better Sirca -Better Stock" Campaign, October 1, 1919, to December 31, 1921, by States Having More Than 1,000 Animals Listed. Persona Animals Poultry State- Enrolled Listed Listed Virginia 1,561 44,501 94,904 Nebraska 1,400 57,420 115,332 Ohio 901 37,404 80,263 South 302 5,504 4,744 Washington 262 8.161 46,891 Kentucky 250 7,915 14,010 Massachusetts 160 5,149 Texas 152 12,506 0,797 Vermont 96 4,753 4,055 Connecticut 96 3,692 10,626 Indiana 37 3,347 9,077 North Carolina. 85 1,489 3.179 Oklahoma 73 8,736 7,672 Florida 72 7,231 6.415 Colorado 71 2.847 3,280 Wiscongin 62 2,862 4,972 West Virginia. 62 1,734 6,800 North 54 3,340 4,949 Minnesota 53 1.294 2,135 South 50 9,303 4,917 Utah 45 4.0:3 2,114 Montana 42 18,846 2,002 New Mexico 40 9,482 1.215 Nevada 4,466 996 New 21 1,259 1,24 Idaho 17 1,059 461 Diseases Decreasing. Diseases of live stock are said to be decreasing and A general Iroprovement in quality is reported by the Department of Agriculture.

Feed for Wintering Sheep. Fed liberally on straw and one ear of corn each per day, sheep will winter as well and more cheaply than on hay and on grain. Better Animals Result. Better sires in all cases mean better animals Louisville A touring car belonging to Andy Armes, 1012 North Walnut street, was stolen from First and Walnut streets police learned. Danville -Everett Mann, fourmonths-old son of Mr.

and Mrs. Everett Mann, living on Reatty avenue, was found dead in bed. It was said the child strangled 10 death on a milk bottle, which "had been given to it. Morrow signed the bill of Representative Brodie Payne 10 amend the Kentucky Library Commission law by authorizing the commission to fix the salary of the secretary. Under the original law the salary was limited to $1,500 annually.

Lexington--A campaign against the sale of impure milk was launched here by E. H. Byars, city food and dairy inspector, who declared that all dairies which fail to come up to the sanitary requirements of the milk code will be prohibited from the Lexington market. Yosemite--Lydia Gilpin, 51, wife of James Gilpin, of this section, died of poisoning. and two of her grandchildren are in serious condition of poisoning.

They used a copper kettle for a water bucket, which caused them to become ill. Mrs. Gilpin died soon after becoming ill. Covington fractured skull caused the death of Wesley Mains, 9-yearold son of J. D.

Mains, superintendent of bridge construction for the Line Street Car Company. Ile was struck Monday by an automobile driven by Mrs. Frank Laffoon, wife of the secretary of the Green Line Company. Mount Vernon. -In order to get the bullet which slew Bert Mullins, the court ordered the body exhumed.

Sheriff D. G. Clark had it dug up and Drs. M. Pennington and It II.

Lewis found and removed the bullet. It proved to be of .88 calibre and this will figure in the prosecution of the case. 3 Interest bearing warrants amounting to approximately $1,500.000 were called in for payment by State Treasurer James A. Wallace. The warrants include school warrants issued October 7, 1920, numbers 28 to 147, and general expenditure warrants issued from May 2 to June 1, 1920.

Interest on the warrants ceases March 15. Hickman. -The air service of the War Department will photograph about 300 square miles of the Reelfoot Lake region ac Hickman bas been selected location for the tempoTO sanding feld. The work will be rafted the latter part of March, cording Hickman co a Commercial letter received by the Club. Two air service officers, two mechanics and 3 400-horsepower De Haviland plane will be used.

-There was $ in the state treasury at the close of business February 2S, according to a statement given out today at the office of State Treasurer James A. Wallace. Outstanding state warrants totaled $0,381,817.27 on that date. 'The funds in the treasury were divided as follows: General expenditure fund 610.48; school fund, sinking fund, $91,911.38, and road fund, $253,203.78. of prehistoric animals hare been found in the solid rock on the summit of the dividing ridge between the Kentucky and Cumberland rivers, three miles from here.

One five-toed, soft-footed animal left a track in mud now petrified which is eleven inches across. A three-toed track of abnormal proportions is nearby and 1 herd of animals of great weight left tracks 00 another stone plateau. Frankfort--The bill of Representative C. D. McCaw to prohibit trading stamps, became 2 law without the signature of Governor Morrow.

Interested parties for and against the measure were given a public hearing by Governor Morrow who directed them to submit their cases by briefs. After considering both sides to the question Governor Morrow said he decided to let the bill become a law without his signature. Louisville Home owners, who are anxious to beautify their yards and communities, who wish to adorn their streets with trees, will welcome the announcement from W. C. Hanna, commissioner of agriculture, that there will be a free distribution of trees from the state nurseries at Frankfort and the State Fair grounds here.

The trees may be secured in lots of not less than ten at the nominal cost of 5 cents each for trees up to six feet in height and 10 cents each for trees from six to ten feet in height, to cover expense of packing and drayage, f. o. b. express office. Louisville--James A.

Ducker, 37. 643 South Thirty-ninth street, was probably fatally injured when he drove his automobile into a street car coming from the opposite direction; on Chestnut street, near Ninth. Murray--Work has commenced on the new $80.000 school building, the small temporary building having heen moved across the street on the loi recently purchased from C. E. Oren by the school board.

This building will Water be converted into a dwelling for the janitor. Daddy's Evening taury Tale 4 1 MARY COPYRIGHT GRAHAM BONNER ST UNION JACKIE JAGUAR 1 3 "Bay one who is interested in the wars of the Jaguar family will be glad to hear my story," said Jackie Jaguar. "I cannot imagine any one who would not be interested in the story," he continued, "for to me the Jaguar family is such an interesting family. "Perhaps other families feel the salve way about their family history and that I can easily understand. But of course I ain not much interested in the histories of other families, though other families interest me.

"For example I like birds if they're of good size, and I like nice small animals. I don't like them for friends you understand. "I don't Invite them to supper or to spend the night with me, though in a way I do. "I mean that I do not Invite them to supper or to spend the night and give them good food und lend them my best nightgown. "In the first place I haven't any best night-gown or any night-gown for that matter.

I do not care about such things. I don't even bother to have a tooth brush. Not a bit of it. "So, of course, even if I felt friendly enough to offer visitors my best nightgown I wouldn't have 8 best nightgown to offer them. "But I don't even offer them food.

Why? Because I do not feel generous in that way. "I prefer to eat them myself! Yes, that is the way I have friends for supper or to spend the night. That is the way Jackle Jaguar does. He Is sensible that way. Why should I waste my food when I needn't.

do. such a thing? "I don't! That is my answer to that question. And why should I entertain them and give them a party? "I don't! That is my answer to the second question. I go forth a-hunting at night. Night is the time I enjoy.

Have Decorations." Then I look for food, and sometimes In the early morning I do my marketIng for eggs. "So many creatures go marketing for eggs. Some go to the market, some go to their back yards. But I go along the coast and get the eggs which the sea turtles have kindly left for me. "That is a joke.

They haven't been SO kind at all. They haven't left these eggs for me, not a bit of it. They do not mean that I should have their eggs. But do you suppose I mind a little thing like that? "Not 8 bit of it. I get their eggs whether they mean them for me or not.

That shows I'm not a sensitive creature, wanting to be asked and urged if 1 will not have some eggs. I just take then without any asking. "They say that we're wild and dangerous. But we don't go after people at all. No.

though people are afraid of us we don't bother about them. "We leave them quite alone. And I'll tell you something else. We're really rather cowardly and not In the least ready to take dungerous chances. "We're rather shy too.

We're like the mountain lions In this way. We're shy as they are and also we're a bit cowardly as'they are. "But why should we be brave? It is all right for some creatures to be brave, but the Jaguar doesn't want to take wild chances. "We're handsome creatures. Now I wear a beautiful brownish yellow coat.

It's A very handsome coat indeed. I have decorations upon my coat of black spots and rosettes too. That shows how fond I am of style! "I belong to the great cat family. Everyone knows about the cats. "Of course ordinary cats are tame.

I heard some one telling a story of a black cat with pale green eyes who jumped up in the lap of a lady who was wearing a bunch of flowers. This cat snifed at the flowers AS he sat In the lady's lap and nudged up against her and wanted to be petted. "Jackie Jaguar wouldn't be so silly. Jackie Jaguar doesn't bother about! petting and sitting in a lady's lap. I fancy that ladles wouldn't care, for us to sit In their laps either.

I belleve that to be the truth. "But we don't care, for we lore the great wild forests, and we like the jungles, yes, Jackie Jaguar is a jungle animal, and the same is true of the whole family." One More Question. "Just one more question, uncle." "Well, well, what is It?" "It a boy is a lad and has a step father is the lad a shire (England) Post. 4 4 i Are 1 A A 14 A 1 3.

Casey County News from Liberty, Kentucky (2024)
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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.